Friday, August 2, 2024

More thoughts on Egghead Arc (One Piece)

Current chapter at the time writing this is Chapter 1122.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, not too long ago I talked about Egghead Arc in One Piece. You would be surprised all the major stuff that came up within the story since I wrote it. The arc recently ended this week, easily among the most mind blowing arcs ever!!! The insanity scale is virtually broken at this point.

Egghead Arc
Manga chapters-1058-1122
Anime episodes 1086-present

I will try to keep things small. Vegapunk's message confirmed some more stuff the Five Elders didn't want made public. He confirmed major stuff regarding Joyboy I'll get that shortly. Vegapunk with his resources as well as somewhat limited information. He still ended up causing chaos revealing everything he knows to the world.

He also touched on the D. in people's name. There's a mention of several rare races the World Government wants gone. A war several hundred years ago caused majority of the world to sunk. He believes that same war secretly continuing on. Very close to the end of his message had more bombs dropped on the world.

Joyboy found against the ancestors to the royals that created the World Government. He also was revealed as the first pirate in history. Secretly, every pirate you could possibly think of followed in his foot steps. We also know he came from Elbaf, where the giants lived. Joyboy had a strong connection with the giant robot named Emet.

We actually get to witness some left over haki from Joyboy that were stored inside him for hundred of years. This effectively sent three of the Five Elders back down funny enough. The ultimate fate of the remaining Vegapunks isn't known at this time. Vegapunk even revealed major, surprising facts about the legendary treasure everyone wants.

You heard correctly, he talked about One Piece. He confirmed whoever claims it may rule the world. This alone cause chaos through out the world. A lot of citizens terrified while pirates are excited about it. Some marines may consider searching for it know that could be a terrible idea. After all, a few groups looking to take them down.

Not only that, a lot of people had to work together to held off the Five Elders. Of course, the traitor Vegapunk York figured out where the transmission for Vegapunk's message coming from. All of a sudden, they had to destroy the giant robot. It's very likely Emet won't survive the aftermath. These old guys are insanely tough people

Temporary Saturn got defeated by Luffy and Bonney. Yeah I gotta mention Bonney figured a way to transform into her own Nika form. It's technically imitation of Luffy's powers. But I felt it's somewhat close enough to be considered as another Nika to worry about. For the record, Nika in this sense the sun god.

There's not much with the clones in the arc. Considering all the madness going on, it's alright. Egghead was getting destroyed by the World Government regardless. They are upset some of their big targets escaped. Probably more upset with the late Vegapunk revealing all of that information to the world.

This is a very arc since battles aren't in the usual style. Once the Five Elders got involved, it was virtually everything else against them until it's over. Yes the Strawhat Pirates safely escaped through a rather questionable plan. Then again they survived similar things in the past before. We do know some of the Vegapunks are deceased including one sacrificing themselves to save others.

Vegapunk's message took a long time to play out. Officially the Five Elders stopped the conclusion of it. The damage control is going to be even crazier than I originally predicted. CP0 suddenly became less notable as the arc was ending. Again with everything going on, that's fine by me. We do have a more clear idea how strong Luffy is.

He isn't quite on Joyboy or the Five Elder's level of power. At the same time, Luffy constantly stood up to powerful enemies as the story went on. There's no way he was going to back down. Comparing Luffy to what we now know about Joyboy. We have a more clear idea how much crazier things are going to be.

Vegapunk did criticize Roger's crew for never revealing the true history of the world. I felt a part of the reason why they never did was because their captain suffered from an uncurable disease. They didn't want to disorder his legacy by doing so, I know a weird way to look at it. Another possible reason could be is they knew they couldn't do anything about it.

It's pretty insane that with several locations confirming most of the world sunken. The world was notably much bigger land wise until ancient weapons got used. Again Vegapunk made sure to talk about those too. Which also pissed the Five Elders off. Im, the mysterious ruler of the world upset with everything.

Obviously, we get to see so many characters. Including a lot of characters we haven't seen in a long time camo. This incident is going to be a critical factor in things to come. Following Elbaf Arc, the arc we're about to go into very soon. We're going to learn even more about Joyboy. I'm kinda excited to see what's going to happen there.

I felt either the following arc or the one after that should be the final arc. Yes I know about the Final Saga system, that's very helpful. You line all of those arcs together to create the ending portion of a very long story. Blackbeard on the verge becoming more dangerous with information on two ancient weapons.

Cross Guild through Buggy encouraging a lot of people to search for One Piece. Much to the dislike of Crocodile and Hawkeye. Basically three of the four emperors about to go head to head. I felt Shanks going to come in when they at least expect it. But he doesn't actually want the treasure. All he truly wants is the right person becomes his former captain's successor.

I don't think his crew plans to directly be involve with all the fighting. At the same time, he's likely going to be close by waiting to make his move. We're at the point, most important battles will be wars on a huge scale. There's still so much story left in One Piece, it's mind blowing. To me, it seems ever arc since Whole Cake Island Arc.

The World Government losing in the grand scheme of things. Luffy being involve with major stuff that constantly took away influence they had over the world to a degree. Plus Cross Guild working against them isn't helping things either. The very last thing they want is a war between three emperors.

This Arc revealed so much more than I ever could've expected. I am deeply impressed with the amazing work of the author. The World Government now has many controversial issues because of the late Vegapunk exposing them to the public. Again, I predicted the Five Elders with Im will cut themselves off to the world for some truly horrific plans.

If they can't control the people which is currently going into that direction. They are more likely going to take out islands regardless of nobles or not. They previously had before all of this madness happened. Now knowing they have access to Mother Flame. The world itself simply isn't safe. It might not even be safe if Luffy becomes the new pirate king either.

Then again I previously predicted two very critical wars happening roughly at the same time happening. Honestly, this was truly amazing stuff to read. We're a little over a thousand chapters, it's still this damn good!!! I felt the Strawhat Pirates earned their freedom from the hell they just escaped from.

The Five Elders is also likely going to take nearly every opportunity to take Luffy and Bonney out. Same with Wapol, Sabo and Vivi for a different reason. You could start to expect some rather controversial moves about to be played. I felt Vegapunk's message truthfully triggered the beginning of the end for the story.

Again I am rather curious to see how high Luffy's crew bounties going to be. There's virtually no way Chopper going to be notably cheaper than the rest of his crew anymore. He helped fought against the Five Elders to a degree. It is also safe to say Luffy further earned his emperor position too.

The crew took on chaos before but never like this. Somehow they always find a way to adapt as well as survive in any situation they're in. They previously survived a Buster's Call. Now a bigger variation of that meant to wipe Egghead off the face of the world. By now you start to wonder how much more ambitious do the World Government got to go to take em out right?

It's also safe to say Luffy could be getting more members for his Grand Fleet. A reminder, he didn't make that fleet. They were grateful to God Usopp whose a member of his crew. I wouldn't be surprised if Jimbei's old crew joins em too. Obviously, Bonney's crew going to join as well. I felt Luffy could end up with the scariest emperor crew in history despite how strangely kind he is.

I mean seriously this man can be a lot like Dragon Ball's Goku. Yes I know he's a major inspiration for him. I may come right out to say he felt like Goku's truest successor out of everyone to me. Luffy constantly pushes himself to do better along with his crew. It shouldn't be a surprise stuff like Egghead isn't enough to stop him.

This revealed so much that I almost don't have any real questions left. You could've gotten in with hundreds of questions. Majority of them are answered in this particular arc. Virtually everything led to up to a point everything going to change for the better not the worst. This is exactly the stuff of legends Oda writes.

You got a truly gifted author that deeply loves his own story. Originally it was going to last up to five years. Recently, this story continuing into twenty seven years. I felt this man should be given medals for his work. Virtually everything about this arc works so amazingly well. I honestly can't find even a small yet notable flaw in it.

Egghead incident going to level the playing field up to the story ends. We will see many epic moments outside these upcoming wars. We will learn more of the world before then. It would be nice we get a pleasant arc they don't have to worry about much. There's always the chance of a fight showing up, it's a Shonen story after all.

If Emperor Blackbeard gains two ancient weapons. These two epic wars are going to risk possibly destroying the world as we know it. Let's be honest, it's already heading into chaos. Even before Vegapunk's message got broadcast. It's only a matter of time before things gets much worst. I still predict with the author trying to show us enough of both these wars will be very difficult.

If there's any author that could pull off something like this, it's this guy. The world will change following the conclusion of both wars. Right now with the current direction of Cross Guild. We may see Luffy, Blackbeard and Buggy coughs Crocodile going head to head. Thousands of people fighting for the legendary treasure, One Piece.

The World Government fighting the Revolutionary Army for control of the world. I'm rooting for the Revolutionary Army to win myself. They know a lot of secrets the World Government kept over the years. Plus with the Revolutionary Army now aware of Im. Either confirmed or under an assumption, the World Government simply kill em no more capture alive on the table.

Both these wars are going to change everything in the grand scale of things. All of this simply from possibly paying too much attention to the story lol. I felt the Strawhat Pirates are going to win in the end. I also felt the Revolutionary Army going to win their war too. We could be heading to one of the most satisfying endings in history of Shonen Jump.

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