Wednesday, January 22, 2025

My thoughts on Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I woke up a little late today. The one thing I didn't expect to see among waking up was a new AVGN game announcement. I first looked at the pictures before the actual trailer. It's been a few years since AVGN 1 &2 Deluxe. Which stands as my favorite official AVGN game. I figured to give my thoughts on this upcoming AVGN game here.

AVGN 8-bit

Just going by the pictures you kinda have to look closer. Especially you know the web show like I do. I get the reason it barely looks like the show is the famous recurring joke he does. Where many licensed games don't look like the movies or little to nothing at all. I will try to not criticize the game negatively over that. Usually FreakZone Games made the last couple AVGN games.

This time it's being developed by Mega Cat Studios. They made Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood. They also been making games for older game consoles for a couple years. Which actually plays into this since the new AVGN game coming out for most platforms as well as NES respectively. Limited Run Games helping with the physical copies of the game.

I'm still waiting for Fighting Force Collection and Gex Trilogy. The actual trailer we have James as The Nerd promoting the new AVGN game. It's not as good of a trailer as the other AVGN games gotten. It just works enough to peek your interest a bit. I had to look closer to notice references I almost didn't realize. Obviously they're going for a more retro style AVGN game.

I felt just going by the pictures as well as the trailer. It already has a lot to attempt living up to. Especially if you played AVGN 1 & 2 Deluxe. I'm trying to not to be so hard on the game. I could also say with The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest an companion game. Which also suppose to come out this year.

Considering both games getting published by Retroware. It's happening for the same reason Toxic Crusaders game. The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest parodies Castlevania series. He previously done an episode of Toxic Crusaders games. You know what let's call em the Unholy Retroware AVGN Trilogy.

I will be brutally honest I'm more interested in the other two games. Which is kinda sad I have the deepest connection with AVGN since 2008 I checked. I easily could've ranted how TMNT: Shredder's Revenge started this retro licensed beat em up trend. Several franchises jumped on that train. I felt more are likely going to show up in the near future.

Honestly they are all surprisingly decent beat em up games. I can't view it as a bad thing. What I could view negatively is how the new AVGN game represents the web show to a degree. I previously stated I get why parts of it looks the way it does. At the same time, it's also risking going a bit too far from what it's suppose to be.

I guess I should've seen this coming due to a particular Neighbor Nerds episode. Where James and John played Iron Meat that's also from Retroware. No guarantee I could get all those games. I do wanna support the web show as much as I can. I just can't help this one could easily end up as my least favorite even before I play it.

I do have the habit of judging somethings harsh. But considering Silent Hill 2 Remake ended up being among the finest horror games of last year. I am not sure what to expect with this AVGN game. Deep down I want this to be great that's enjoyable. But most of all properly represents the web show well.

You can tell the other AVGN games set the bar high with me. I already don't think this going to top AVGN 1 &2 Deluxe it's too great of a game!!! Right now it has a fair chance against the original AVGN game. I always support retro to a degree as well. I just won't be surprise I enjoy Gex Trilogy more than this.

Some might think this game could be better than the newer AVGN episodes. Which could help sells to a degree. It's difficult for me to stand behind this particular AVGN game. Especially I believe in other games clearly inspired by particular AVGN episodes going to be better. I will try to hope for the best I guess we will see.

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