Saturday, May 25, 2024

What was my favorite childhood toy?

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I usually talk about games, movies and shows. Sometimes I got full in on nostalgia, today will be no different. I had some notable toys growing up. There was one toy I played with for many hours. Especially when I was a kid watching Toonami. I also won't be surprise not many people are familiar with this either.

Essentially it was a known construction toy. The most famous among them in a huge land slide is LEGO. K'Nex is still being manufactured today. LEGO was much simpler in comparison. K'Nex had several different pieces to work with. You always had the option to create what the K'Nex kit suppose to be or get creative with em.

K'Nex involves some creative thinking to use. In more recent years, I have seen some rather impressive K'Nex creations. When people imagine an roller coaster, sure it can be done with LEGO. But doing the same concept with K'Nex was trickier to do. Also it actually would look & function more like an actual roller coaster.

LEGO kits can differ with not only the amount of pieces. But also different types of pieces depending on what can be created with em. Although the same is also true for K'Nex. You can also get the standard K'Nex cases filled with pieces. I remembered constantly cleaning up a lot of pieces by myself.

K'Nex creations can be whatever size you want em to be. Again you also can do that with LEGO creations as well. You can make anything you wanted. I used to create very flexible K'Nex figures. Popularity wise, LEGO is too popular for any similar toy to matter in the toy market. K'Nex to me always been the most impressive among em.

You also need to have enough of the right pieces in your own creations. Sometimes when you get low on em, you may have to use other pieces. Half the time this notably affects how your creation works while other times it surprisingly works better than expected. K'Nex also had particular pieces to create K'Nex figures.

These ones were much smaller to my custom K'Nex figure size. I would say roughly three time as big as those. You also can create vehicles that can be a lot of run to play with. When you do location projects, which I didn't do many of those growing up. These can be very time consuming.

Not to mention, parts of those creations can be a little tricker to pull off. Personally compared to mostly LEGO brick theme creations. I kinda prefer the actual appearance of an K'Nex location creation more. They also can be trickier to break in comparison. But this also means if something happens within inside them.

There's a huge chance you may have to take em apart in order to fix them. I also prefer K'Nex vehicle creations in a few ways. Considering games like Garry's Mod exists. Not to many so many LEGO games, why K'Nex never gotten a single one? I actually think it could be a lot of fun if they do it right.

Maybe too many prefers LEGO to instantly not wanna do an K'Nex game. It also could be too many people are confuse how to properly work with K'Nex. Granted there is a notable learning curve while using K'Nex pieces. K'Nex creations can get quite bigger than you possibly imagined.

You also can recreate weapons from real life or fictional stuff you love. You also could attempt to create custom K'Nex stuff to wear. But stuff like this requires so much to work properly. K'Nex is always about allowing one's creativity go unbounded. Sometimes you will be truly amazed what comes out your head.

You also can get a huge container to put a lot of K'Nex pieces inside. This is a experience I know way too well as a kid. Being constantly surrounded by so many K'Nex pieces. I didn't own a lot of art games growing up. I think the closest one was The Adventures of Batman & Robin: Activity Center.

Which covered several game play styles but technically is an art Batman game on PC. I never thought after all these years I ever get to talk about that. Which indirectly ended up being possibly the best childhood Batman game. Yeah even more than The Adventures of Batman & Robin on Genesis, a famous difficult Batman game.

Just in case anyone was wondering, I had to look this Batman game up.

I know I'm getting a little off track here. K'Nex also does a lot of similar pieces in different colors. A good example being the long grey connecting piece. Sometimes you get those in black instead. I also had the more flexible variation that's a different color. Chances are you could get a lot of K'Nex pieces for much cheaper than buying em from a store.

K'Nex truly had potential in what it brings to the table. If you were willing to take risks, you could make some impressive creations. Some K'Nex creations do come with electric pieces to help the final structure work as intended. Of course, if you were skilled with technology to a degree.

You could take the chance doing an home made variation of those devices instead. Just don't end up like Fester in a bath tub then electricity. I know bad joke moving on, K'Nex used to play commercials more often too. I may not remember many of them off hand. What I do know is K'Nex always held a special place in my heart.

Ultimately video games taken it's place since then. But I never forgotten em for many years. Especially all the fun I had playing with them. LEGO also does a lot of crossover kits as well as license LEGO video games. I do think the right people could enjoy playing with K'Nex. Especially if they want something other than LEGO to play with.

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