Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Good Doctor (2017-2024) Final Review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, Almost a year ago I reviewed one of my personal favorite shows. The Good Doctor, as of last night they aired the final episode. Although I'm mostly focusing this review on the final season, I also wanna reflex on it on the way too. There's you're only getting one that's it. I also will be linking my previous review of the show to help save some time.

Previous review

By the way this final review does have some huge spoilers. If you don't wanna know any of this simply go away please thank you.

The Good Doctor (2017-2024)
To be honest I mostly got truly positive things to say about the final season. Sadly there's two major criticism I have for that season. The first problem I had was the length of the final season itself. Although the amount of episodes differ between seasons. This one was roughly half that length. Personally a few more episodes would've been a little better.

Ten episodes just isn't enough to satisfy me. I will say the last few episodes are incredibly well done. The other big problem I had might cause some controversiality. Late in a particular episode, Asher got murdered. This entire moment was very unpleasant to watch. Sadly this heavily impacted the following episode that made the baggage a little too much going into it.

It's not often when my wife would watch this show with me. I do recall Asher being among her favorite characters. They also had messages like the last few times they previously done to recreate real situations. Easily, the most controversial ending to any episode by far. Asher recently went back to his Hebrew roots for a couple within the hospital.

He also was a gay man that's so close to true happiness before this happened. Adding on that baggage, a lot of them had to leave Asher's ceremony to treat a lot of patients. Look I'm not trying to say I hated that episode. I just felt the Asher death moment alone felt like one of those throw it at the wall ideas. Almost like they wanted to get an reaction out of people especially when there wasn't any need to.

To me, his death already came off being a rushed in last minute idea. Then they realize that would have a bigger impact on the show. Thus, the following episode, we had a lot of them getting pushed in nearly every possible way. Asher's best friend, Jordan was obviously hit the hardest. It's no secret, a few episodes would represent her pain in some form.

Now that I didn't have a problem with. I actually would've criticize the writers for not doing that. They just loss someone special to each of them. At the same time, little to no time before getting hammered by patients. I will say both these episodes despite one decision heavily impacted them were decent. They also brought in two newer characters that's getting trained.

I didn't think one of them would last long. Boy don't I feel stupid seeing her success in the final episode lol. I do like the other new character. Sure it does play off the usual former Football African American player history thing. I would say this guy turned out to be quite interesting. I just wish he was in more episodes, I like the character that much.

Charlotte had to be the single most annoying character on the show. But the last few episodes she ended up fitting in well with the staff. Especially during all those patients in one episode. Dr. Murphy didn't have anyone else to assist in treating an patient. This moment was a milestone for those characters. Finally, the two figured out how to work together.

I won't be surprised if parts of her character's design was from that one lawyer. You know the one that almost had their own spin off show before canceled. I will be brutally honest, even they continue that show. I don't think it would've last long on television. Maybe it's me I kinda see that character in Charlotte.

I also need to mention the previous president of the hospital left. No he doesn't appear from this point on, I liked the guy a lot too. Even with a handful of moments I didn't like. Both Dr. Lim and Dr. Glassman ended up co presidents of the hospital. You also notice more families are forming as this season goes on.

Yes there is a time skip in the final episode. There were a few times, Dr. Glassman almost died on the show. He ended up dying offscreen six months after most of the final episode's events. This season really had some truly impactful moments. You further see how much Dr. Murphy grown as a person. I wasn't expecting him to get a daughter.

He ended up with two kids that almost made up for losing one earlier in the show. I also never imagine Murphy's wife Lea being this amazing person either. Their relationship does remind me of my own marriage. Not to come off rubbing anyone the wrong way. Some of these patients within the final season were a challenge to look at.

Dr. Murphy eventually became the new Chief Surgeon when Dr. Lim left the hospital. There's a few married couples including Jerome. Yes they do give him an happy ending as well. Especially after killing off Asher, I'm glad he does. I also liked we get to see an older Dr. Murphy do a speech. Sure some of the writing is a little out there.

I already got the perfect example, originally I considered criticizing Claire and Jared's more recent relationship. Early into the show in Season 1, they were basically friends with benefits. Although Jared wanted an actual relationship. He ended up getting fired while Claire got transferred out the country. During those years, Claire realized she actually had feelings for Jared along.

Claire was among the last patients they had on the show. There was a time I stopped dating my wife. A few years later, we gotten back together. We're still married to this day so I can kinda relate to this relationship they had. I'm also glad Dr. Glassman always was the father figure Dr. Murphy needed. I think the one lesson the final episode was telling people.

It's okay to let people go, it never going to be easy. They don't want anyone to suffer despite what they're going through. Dr. Murphy realized before Dr. Glassman passed. He still had a family to support him in life. This season doesn't get crazy like some of them do. The Good Doctor clearly left quite an emotional impact on my life.

I would say the final season is among my favorite seasons hands down. At the time of writing this, the final episode was the best season finale episode ever. There's virtually no cliffhangers at all. Can we be happy they actually ended the story for once? Also having Claire and Jared near the end made the show go full circle.

We also go through another full circle because Dr. Glassman was a major part of Dr. Murphy's life. Dr. Murphy ended up becoming a decent doctor. I guess we can technically say Charlotte would be in Murphy's spot. After all, she was a huge fan of his work. Yes, most of the season Dr. Murphy was rather harsh on her.

In his mind, he expects perfection. Dr. Murphy originally didn't want to be anyone's mentor. He felt his standards would be too high. He rather work without an team as stated on the show. There's so many times, teams gotten the most impossible operations done. It's possible someone like his wife made a fair point to him about that.

The Good Doctor is truly an emotional roller coaster ride. If you can look pass some controversial moments on the show. You are going to deeply enjoy watching this show for a long time. I do like most episodes at least one life lesson gets presented in some form. I can honestly say majority of this season isn't rushed out unlike The Flash.

I don't expect people to watch this to instantly understand autistic people. I'm autistic, I still have many things to learn myself. A lot of people doesn't realize this disorder affects everyone differently. Sure, I could recommend movies and shows where actors accurately portrayed the disorder. But there's a major difference between that and living with it like I am.

I'm glad two streaming services fully has the entire show now. The Good Doctor always felt quite real to me from the beginning. They saved a lot of people on the show. We even had an patient that though he was Jesus no joke. He turned out to be a decent guy. I will say after one horrible moment, the show bounced back strong.

One previous character that left came back during the final episode's time skip. Usually when characters leave the show. Either they left over major life choices like Claire getting a great job at an hospital or they die. I also will say I'm deeply glad we don't see Dr. Glassman die or I would've been upset. I did have several tears of joy during this final episode.

Some of these episodes to me are among the finest ever written for the show. I know some may question that to some of the earlier episodes. My favorite two episodes of right now are the final episode and most of the staff gets drugged. I previously talked about that drug episode. Ever since then, they never done anything like that ever again, what a fun episode that was.

Dr. Murphy does tackle some truly difficult decisions on the show. This season is obviously no different. The final difficult choice was letting Dr. Glassman go. He does with his help save Claire's life. Which led to an foundation for a great cause, I absolutely loved they done that. I'm still not used to the older Dr. Murphy look either but it does work very well.

Most of the final season is beautifully done. Not many moments felt like a lot of them in the earlier seasons. You know moments that doesn't quite play out the way you expect or clash with the story. Now this is something I really didn't expect to happen. The Good Doctor is a show worth remembering for all the right reasons.

On one hand I'm quite happy they ended things this well. But on the other, I really didn't want this show to end. I know a major network decision led to many shows getting canceled or simply ending soon. I do like how all the characters fits well within these final stories together. Honestly, no one expected the show to be this inspiring to a lot of people.

The US version, the version I'm reviewing quickly out done the previous other country versions. In comparison the original Korean version had twenty episodes. The Japanese version lasted half that at ten episodes. The US version was notably the longest at one hundred twenty six episodes. I think why the US version lasted so long should be very obvious without even watching it.

The Good Doctor has many great things going for it. The show might not be perfect but still a very great show. Especially as someone that doesn't watch hospital shows prior getting into this show. I always felt this show was creative in how they do things. I also loved how everything led to such an beautiful ending.

The way everything plays out felt better than a lot of movies. Just the right level of everything for the most part. Nearly every major character being interesting in many ways. I can't say their acting when everything simply comes off being very natural quite personal. The acting in this season was among the best yet in the show.

Dr. Murphy is clear proof don't judge a book by it's cover. Sometimes you simply don't know what one can do unless you give em a chance. This is exactly why I'm enjoying Black Clover manga on the side recently. People like Dr. Murphy and Asta are truly inspiring characters too. Both were different from everyone else.

At the same time, they worked harder than everyone else to save other people's lifes. I know some people might find that comparison a little weird, I felt it was necessary. The Good Doctor I never thought would last this long on television when I originally gotten into the show with episode 1. They kept the main character's story a truly unique one that's inspiring people today.

Dr. Murphy learned so much from a lot of people to become a great doctor. From the beginning, he always wanted to save people's lifes. His first patient on the show, he wasn't even working at the hospital yet. There were a few times he also was a patient himself. He even risked his own life to help save a man that beaten him up at a bar.

The Good Doctor being a drama show does play amazingly well on the audience's emotions. Despite some moments on the way that may upset people. You do learn a lot from all these operations they do on the show. I think one of the greatest lessons the show told me. Be thankful for what you have in life. Simply watching this show helped made me a better person, I always be thankful for that.

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