Monday, August 12, 2019

Why I Love The Scarecrow (DC)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, it is about time I start talking about some of my absolute favorite comic book characters. I figured to do someone everyone knows about to a degree. The Scarecrow always has been one of my absolute favorite Batman villains as well as DC overall. This guy is truly gifted in terrifying people.

Dr. Jonathan Crane was in newer comics became obsessed with fear taking after his father. Originally he had that interest most of his life, secretly doing illegal experiments on people. He has little to no powers but he really does stand out. At one point, he was awarded with an Sinestro Ring that's uses the fear of others.

I can't name many adaptations that doesn't have this guy. He is an agent of chaos that enjoys causing mayhem by gassing people on a big scale. The Scarecrow does have some fighting skills that a lot of people not into comics isn't aware of. He was popular enough Marvel openly ripped this character off.

Let's just say I am not a fan let's move on. Dr. Crane has some of the most twisted, sickest costumes for any comic book villain. Unlike a huge number of them, he could care less about becoming a ruler or destroying things. For him, the true joy is being a factor in anarchy. He spent most of his life going against the order of things.

The Scarecrow is one of the select few Batman villains that could get a team of Batman's enemies together. Like the case of Batman: Arkham Knight game. It is just amazing how much damage he can do on his own. Yes sometimes he does assist some of Batman's enemies. Of course he too has his own goals.

The fact we got a crazy scientist dressed up like a scarecrow was brilliant. He has been around a long time going all the way back to 1941. He is more of a strategist than an actual fighter. If he could cause some panic before he gets taken down, he will be satisfy. This character has a long history in media with some truly great adaptations of him.

This guy is easily one of the most creative Batman villain with plenty to show for it. The Scarecrow will always been a thorn in the bat family's side for years to come. Injustice 2 even got Robert Englund to voice the character whose widely known for playing Freddy in a couple of things. Now that would be the horror equal to a perfectly made sandwich.

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