Monday, January 21, 2019

Another quick update

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I got a lot to talk about in this update blog than the previous one. Honestly I knew I was going to be taking awhile on some of my bigger blog projects. At the same time I'm surprised at my process on some of them. I will be going in full details without ruining all related topics.

This following update will not be getting it's own blog entry. For Christmas, I got PlayStation 4 with several games. I did talk a little about this already. I figured the cat is already out of the bag. I might as well talk about my little time playing it. Honestly I would say it's way better than PS3 while holding it's own against PS2.

1. Mega Man series update

I finished most of Mega Man X games. Yes I did use rookie hunter mode sue me. I will try replaying as much as I can without that enable. I have the first three Mega Man X games left to complete. I will say I will be giving two solid positive reviews even with some of their flaws. As for Mega Man classic series, I finished the first two Mega Man games on Xbox One.

A few months ago, I also own both those compilations on Steam. I did finish Mega Man 10 while very close of finishing Mega Man 9. I do have a lot to talk about for all four Mega Man compilations. I will say I do enjoy most of these games. I actually got a lot of interest playing Mega Man 11. I am really hoping for Mega Man X9 to happen soon.

2. Resident Evil 2 review

This Friday, Resident Evil 2 remake will be out. I will also be talking about the dlcs you can get with Deluxe Edition or at a later time separately. You will get three different former S.T.A.R.S. issued handguns. You also get five costumes not counting the retro costume since you have to beat the game for those.

By now a lot of you know The 4th Survivor with it's parody The Tofu Survivor are returning. Over the years, Capcom kept making references to both characters. For me the biggest surprise was support. For most supported games, it does give you more reason to care about the overall experience.

I am actually curious to see what that will bring for Resident Evil 2. Also included in Deluxe Edition is easily what I'm considering as my favorite Resident Evil dlc to date. You can also play with the original soundtrack. I found out a few weeks by enabling it, classic RE2 sound effects are also present.

Let's be honest I really do think this is going to be one of the absolute best Resident Evil games ever made. Even if it turns out to be a disappointment, it still will be better than a lot of okay to bad RE games. Also I still wouldn't feel disappointed in preordering it regardless. The original game was ultimately got me to be a life long fan of the franchise.

Update: As of January 22nd, Capcom confirmed two free dlcs coming within the next few months. Ghost Survivors will have two playable characters similar to Extreme Battle mode in three parts. Thus taking a page from Revelations 2. The other dlc is polygon mode where you can play as retro PS1 Leon & Claire in the game.

I have officially decide to make my review of Resident Evil 2 remake in two parts. Most of it will be part 1 likely coming soon. Part 2 will be me covering those dlcs in a few months. But you have my word I want to explore as much of it as humanly possible. I really can't wait to play this amazing game especially after seeing a lot of great reviews.

3. The Disney Afternoon Collection review with DuckTales: Remastered review

This may come as a huge surprise for people. I haven't watched any of these cartoons. Well a slight chance on Darkwing Duck but that would be the closest one back in the day. I already played through DuckTales: Remastered a few months before getting The Disney Afternoon Collection. I figured why not do both of them in the same blog.

Disney did play a role in my child hood not as much as my wife but enough for me to show them respect. Except for those live action remakes. Yes I am looking at Aladdin & The Lion King among a several others. I am aware The Disney Afternoon Collection has six NES games. I already finished Darkwing Duck prior to writing this.

I do plan on playing all six of them while trying out the other modes. I will say I'm very happy with getting both of those. I also own Castle of Illusion remake on Steam but I hope in the near future I can get it for Xbox One. I want as much as Sega & Capcom on my Xbox One as humanly possible. I will say right off the bat, I love Darkwing Duck game.

4. Gotham final review/comparisons

I already know I stated I'm going to finish my review officially of Gotham. There is a few key things I do need to clear up first. Yes most character comparisons I done will be finalized in the same upcoming blog. Which brings me to my biggest reason for even including Gotham update. It turns out Jeremiah isn't The Joker either.

There is some information about a third Joker character. Who will appear during the final episode. There's a rumor stating only once during that episode Gotham will be allowed to say The Joker. As much I want to rip into them over the Joker issue. I am rather curious about this third mysterious character.

We also know he will be played by the same guy who played the twins also not being related. Just imagine how ridiculous it would be if they all were related lol. In a way I get it, this is an origin story of Batman. They wanted to truly build up the legacy of The Joker by having similar people inspiring him to do his work.

Bane will be one of the final characters added to the show as well. Personally he could've appeared in a special that would continue sometime after the show happened if the demand was big enough. The fact they're trying to get him in so late in the show's run will likely hurt him in comparisons with Tom Hardy's take in Dark Knight Rises.

The Joker issue sorta plays in two major ways in my mind. There's a lot of respect for him despite bot fully allowed to use the character. At the same time I'm also thinking you are going to possibly give someone like The Joker a very late appearance just like Birds of Prey done many years before. To me, The Joker is one of my absolute favorite comic book villains.

I believe the character truly deserves more respect than that. I will say this no surprise to anyone else. I still think even after seeing this third character, I would say Jerome is easily my favorite. Sure he lacks a lot of critical traits of the character. But he is still based on him in other ways that not a lot of people realize.

In fact, right now a lot of people still think Jerome is The Joker I'm not kidding. To me, he was very entertaining to what he brought to the table. Sure I did give the win to Romero for a few reasons. I will say Jeremiah is playing a deadly game. I can't way to see his final scene that's being confirmed to be the stuff of nightmares.

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