I will try to not give too much away in my review. But the way they went about it makes even doing that very difficult. The Walking Dead Season One has Lee protecting a little girl named Clementine. They face all kind of situations that I'm surprised they allowed in the final game. You get to explore several locations trying to find her parents.
Yes you deal with a lot of walkers aka zombies for those that didn't know. There is some puzzles but most of them are easy. I do like some game play variety it throws in to help spice things up. Every decision you make greatly affects how it plays out. I will give one spoiler in most decisions where you can only save one person.
In a later episode the other person dies. I also bring this up because of the bonus episode 400 Days. There's a easy to miss achievement related to the first true one late in episode one. Thankfully the game makes majority of it very clear what to do. In terms of being scary I think it does work. The gore in particular is truly amazing stuff.
The Walking Dead Season One does have a few select characters from the comic series. Which wouldn't happen for awhile until The Walking Dead: Michonne. There is technically six episodes with the final bonus one being it's own multi stories rolled into one. I got to be honest 400 Days is probably among the worst despite being better than Jurassic Park: The Game.
Yes I just said that moving on, this game does a great job pulling you into the story. There's three versions of the first three Walking Dead games you can play on Xbox One. To be honest I played this on several platforms. Even the zombie designs are some of the finest I ever seen. They really get you thinking what to do.
Lee in a way has a redemption story since he spend the rest of it protecting Clementine. He was originally on his way to jail for murdering people. In a way it is similar to Resident Evil 0 with Billy except he was guilty. Over time you will enjoy Lee more seeing he does have more to him. Clementine is the most frequent seen character in their Walking Dead games.
400 Days has the most playable characters of six with the second most being two in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. I felt they could've did more with each of their stories. Let's be more direct this felt like an unnecessary spin off than anything else. Yes it does connect to Season Two but it just doesn't come off being important.
Basically it was a let down I know they were trying to hold people off on the follow up. But still this could've been something else entirely that would've worked. Most of Season One I do recommend replaying a lot. All of them are very solid experience in and off themselves. This is among my favorite Telltale games.
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