If you want to know some of their feats before reading on. Don't worry I will link you some good stuff. I already did a video prediction a few years ago but my opinion has changed since then. So in a way I'm competing against myself for a chance. Also I am doing something a little different for a bigger impact.

Darkseid is one of the New Gods that are rather unique in many ways. In many canons he already was the way we know him. In New 52, he tricks several gods into attacking each other for him to steal their powers. A common enemy of both Superman and the entire Justice League. Easily one of the most powerful beings in the entire DC multiverse.

Thanos was one of the last of his kind that so happens to be a mutant. From his mutation his physical stats are higher than most of his kind. He fell in love with one of the deadliest entities there is named Death. A good amount of things Thanos has done was to impress Death. Of course by now everyone heard about his usage of the infinity gauntlet.
Powers & Abilities
+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Stamina
+Immortality (Yes he can still die)
+Omega Effect (his own unique cosmic energy)
+Omega Beams
+Matter Manipulation
+Molecular Dispersion
+Resurrection (bringing people back to life)
+Chronokinesis (capable of going through time at ease)
+Power Distribution
+Mind Control
+Psionic Possession
+Erosion Blasts
+Avatar Creation
+Size Alternation
+Capable of reacting in microseconds (virtually impossible in the real world to do)
+Superhuman Intelligence
+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Stamina
+Nigh Invulnerability
+Accelerated Healing Factor
+Superhuman Agility
+Superhuman Reflexes
+Energy Manipulation & Control
+Matter Manipulation & Control
+Teleportation (must be done through his chair)

Radion (similar to Kryptonite for Superman
Without X-Element, Darkseid forced to rely on his other powers
Fear of his father is beyond anything else I'm not kidding

Sometimes does things on purpose hoping to get defeated
Willing will do anything to have Death

+Superior strength
+Superior overall durability
+More experience
+More powers
+Superior mental fighter
+Immunity to mental attacks
+Superior reflexes
+Capable of creating a new avatar by thinking it
+The actual god Darkseid is much more powerful
+Superior biology due to being a god
+Superior leadership
+Thanos can't manipulate Darkseid's Omega Effect
+More used to taking on very insanely powerful beings like Superman
+No clear limit in what he can do
+Superior usage of matter manipulation
+More used to dealing with speedsters
-Someone powerful enough can harm him
-Not as arrogant as Thanos but still bad enough to work against him

+Capable of manipulating most types of energy
+Having the Infinity Gauntlet & Heart of the Universe can be game changers
+More direct battle experience
+Superior strategist
+Has a healing factor
-His ego could literately give the victory to Darkseid
-His love for Death causes him to do anything even it could kill himself
-In theory Darkseid can prevent Thanos from using any power or those artifacts
-Darkseid can travel through time & space not requiring anything at all
-Thanos will still be affected by the Anti-Life Equation
-Despite his usage of mental attacks, he can't do anything to Darkseid's mind
-Darkseid could easily steal control of his body
-Thanos has struggled with some of the most powerful beings including those in his power class
-It is possible the Infinity Gauntlet & Heart of the Universe may not work
-Less powers while sharing a large number of them won't help much
-Like many beings, Thanos does have clear limits despite being very high
-Won't be able to counter or survive the Omega Beam from erasing him from existence
-Not as good with Matter Manipulation as Darkseid
-Considering Darkseid can exist outside space & time, two of the Infinity Gems won't work on him
-Isn't use to someone moving that fast in reflexes
-Outside those artifacts, God Darkseid will wipe him out of existence

Before anyone takes this the wrong way. I would like to give thanks to a friend that really tried taking my decision on this particular fight. The same guy told me a great deal about Doctor Fate. Regardless we are all in for one truly epic showdown. Two tyrants widely feared across their respective multiverses.
I honestly had a difficult time deciding whose more likely to come out on top. Then thanks to some of DanCo's videos I quickly came up with a solution. I will name some similar feats both of them has done. After that I'll tell you which one was more impressive to me in the long run. Thanos took on a lot of people during his time wielding the Infinity Gauntlet.
This is the same story for Death killed half the entire universe's population through this artifact. A lot of big name characters tried their best to stop Thanos. In comparison, Darkseid has defeated the entire Justice League on his own before. A feat not as common as you think. Thanos held his own against Odin & Galactus to only lose shortly afterwards.
Darkseid was capable of defeating beings like the Anti-Monitor on his own. Although in his fight against Galactus, Thanos did sent him flying with a blast. Basically a lot of Thanos' greatest feats involves the usage of the Infinity Gauntlet & Heart of the Universe. In vice versa, Darkseid did similar things on his own.
Darkseid has a better track record against many god characters as well as characters similar to gods like Superman. Speaking of the Man of Steel, not a lot of people outside the comic books knows this. A good number of their battles Darkseid won. Superman is easily one of the absolute most powerful comic book heroes in existence.
I should mention Darkseid did crush the toughest metal in the entire universe effortlessly in one hand. Obviously both of them are way beyond 100+ ton class. For comic book fans this means both of them are among the physically strongest. After looking at a lot of feats for both characters. I noticed Thanos did noticeably struggle in doing some of them.
However Darkseid did most of them with little to no problem. Sure Thanos has some form of regeneration but Darkseid does have superior durability. Even if Thanos were to destroy him, one of three things were likely to happen. I will try to clarify them as much as I possibly can.
1. Darkseid instantly creates a new avatar like nothing happened
2. The god Darkseid quickly takes Thanos out
3. Darkseid by thinking it erases Thanos from existence
Regardless which one of these possibilities happens, Thanos can't prevent any of them from happening. Darkseid has two clear ways of erasing people from existence. He fires his Omega Beams that has several possible effects depending what Darkseid wants. As stated a little while can simply erase him by thinking it.
Darkseid can alter his size to whatever he wants. In some fights, he becomes a giant with both his strength & durability notably increased. Let's be honest Thor & Hulk are both truly amazing powerhouses. But compared to Superman, both of them are much weaker. Yes I know Thanos quickly takes both of them out with ease.
Just imagine if Thanos had to take on Superman for a change. Now I would pay to see those two going at it. Thanos does have access to mental attacks. Darkseid in a few occasions controlled a few planet's population. He did one at a time but still most telepathy characters in both universes can't do that.
Also Darkseid has immunity to such attacks. In the other hand, Thanos will still be vulnerable to Darkseid's. As stated earlier on, both of them sharing a lot of the same powers. Darkseid is used to what Thanos likely to dish out while not so much in comparison. Thanos held his own against The Avengers without the Infinity Gauntlet but eventually he loss that fight.
Now before anyone freaks the hell out. I recently learned about King Thanos whose one of the most powerful versions. For those that don't know this is future Thanos that worked with his younger self. In this same story arc, even beings as powerful as the Living Tribunal loss to him. At the end of it, King Thanos loss to his younger self.
In a way this is a very impressive feat however among further looking into it. King Thanos wanted to lose as well to die. Therefore he didn't actually put up his best effort against himself. Keep in mind, King Thanos easily killed Galactus whose the host of cosmic energy. The same energy Mister Fantastic stated to be the best energy of the Marvel universe.
I doubt non canon would change much for several reasons. In a non canon story, Thanos got the Heart of the Universe. Before I continue imagine the Infinity Gauntlet being even more ridiculous. This thing instantly makes the user into a very insanely god being. In fact in this same story, The One Above All allowed Thanos to absorb even the Living Tribunal.
Darkseid held his own against The Spectre on his own. A being capable of virtually anything & yes I do mean anything. If Darkseid could defeat The Spectre then the victory would be much more obvious. This still means since Thanos haven't fought a being similar to him without any artifacts. I would say Darkseid is more impress in this particular case.
I do need to make this crystal clear. Darkseid does exist outside both time & space. This makes two of the six Infinity Gems useless against him. It is very possible both the Infinity Gauntlet & Heart of the Universe may not work at all. Those artifacts are confirmed to only work in this universe. Considering Death Battle universe allows things that shouldn't be possible.
For an example allowing both The Flash & Quicksilver going close to their top speeds. In Marvel universe, Quicksilver is faster simply because the speed force doesn't exist in that universe. In vice versa, DC universe has the speed force making The Flash ridiculously faster. What I am trying to say is it could be possible for both artifacts to work.
We don't even know how close to the canon or if any non canon material might get considered for this fight. It is possible for weaker characters to defeat Thanos. One time through an artifact, Starlord defeated Thanos on his own. I can't say the same for Darkseid although Batman really tries. Darkseid is so powerful it takes a being very high up in the power scale to do even small damage to him.
His biology was enhanced like most of his kind early on due to staying close to the Source. Let's be honest both their biologies are rather unusual. Sure Thanos can use the power gem to do some damage. Darkseid doesn't even need to try to do the same exact thing even without using his blasts. Obviously the mind gem is also useless against Darkseid.
Right there that's three of six infinity gems that won't do anything to Darkseid. Soul gem also wouldn't help since Darkseid is a god. Also a lot of it's abilities Darkseid himself can do on his own. Only the reality gem would be any real threat to Darkseid. Sadly for Thanos due to being a god. Darkseid has a few possible ways to prevent him from using that gem.
For those sorta confused by this point four out of six Infinity Gems are essentially useless against Darkseid. Only the power & reality gems would be some kind of threat to him. I will try to sum everything else up to the best of my ability. Some feats of Thanos was made possible due to using insanely powerful artifacts.
In comparison, Darkseid does similar things without using anything. Majority of abilities Thanos has, Darkseid is used to dealing with. But in vice versa, I can't say the same for Thanos. Darkseid can screw Thanos over by erasing out of existence two different ways or increasing his size to that of a giant.
Thanos is very good at what he does. I would even consider him a true god like being within his own universe. Darkseid is simply too much for Thanos to handle. I don't even need to say Darkseid has centuries under his belt. Thanos has a terrible habit of letting his opponents winning. I also came across a particular power of Darkseid not a lot of people realize he even has.
Darkseid can at any given time temporary disable any powers. This means if Thanos were getting the upper hand. All Darkseid needs to do is wait for the right moment to screw him over for the victory. Thanos is a truly amazing villain that most of the universe fears. Not even he could manipulate Darkseid's Omega Effect.
Sure he can manipulate most types of energy including cosmic. Which in a way is similar to Darkseid's but his Omega Effect is of godly origins. Basically you can only manipulate it if you are a god or Darkseid himself. The last important thing I need to talk about is the Anti-Life Equation. This does allow the user to manipulate minds.
Thanos did get revived by Death a lot of people would like to think he has some resistance or immunity. Nope he still applies to the Anti-Life Equation since he is alive. It would be different if he was dead. Even if Thanos was undead in this fight, Darkseid has other means of dealing with him. In every possible way, Darkseid is virtually several steps ahead of Thanos.
Winner: Darkseid (DC)

I just want to clarify something very quickly. Believe it or not, I'm a bigger fan of Thanos. For the longest time I thought Thanos was actually going to win. In fact there's some great arguments how he could win. Now I view it after some research and help from a friend. I can safely say majority of them are in fact wrong.
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