1. Telltale Texas Hold' Em

Hard to believe their first video game was a poker game right? Well there isn't much to say about this one. You play against four competitors that are well balanced in their difficulty. Although it is luck you end up winning against all of them. I only done that once so far I usually lose after the first person gets eliminated.
I would have to say the best part of this game hands down is the dialogue. You would be surprise by many things they say. There isn't other modes of play making this a limited game. But after awhile you could have some fun with this. I should point out a character in Sam and Max Telltale games looks like Boris from this game.
2. Poker Night at the Inventory

Often seen as a spiritual successor to Telltale Texas Hold 'Em. Poker Night at the Inventory has some interesting characters playing poker. You play against five characters in series of poker matches. Trust me just like Telltale Texas Hold' Em, it's luck if you win. I would say the AI is better than that game I'm not kidding.
Once again the dialogue is the real show. A lot of great humor especially from Heavy & Max. Some of them were licensed since Telltale did make their games. They got Heavy since they had a good relationship with Valve. I am glad since he was always my favorite Team Fortress character. I do like the intro something their previous poker game lacks entirely.
3. Poker Night 2

WOW in some ways it is better than the previous entry. I would say the people you are going up against is more mind blowing. I mean Brock from the Venture Bros. show & Ash from Evil Dead I never thought I would see them play poker. Max returns with his partner Sam whose actually playing against you.
I would say the AI is even tougher since one mistake say good bye. There is always a chance they could give you a opportunity to take someone else out first. I do like the intro but the humor is still strong I just prefer the previous game's more. Thankfully you can unlock stuff to help you in future matches.
I didn't bring it up in the other Poker Night game since I didn't know how that works. But I got some beginner stuff in this one. This came out sometime after Season 3 of Sam & Max officially their last Telltale appearance. Recently a few months ago, it got removed off of Steam due to the licensing expired.
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