
Robert Reynolds was given a more powerful serum that gave Captain America powers. It is widely stated Sentry can attack that of a million exploding suns. Technically speaking he counts as two characters I'm not kidding. A lot of their abilities are shared with very clear differences. His other personality is The Void whose the exact opposite of him in every possible way.

Kal-El aka Clark Kent was a baby spent away from his home world's destruction. He landed on Earth to be adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent. He discovered at a young age, he had powers. Now I'm refusing to take about one version of how he viewed the truth. Simply because the entire discussion would get confusing fast, also we really aren't here for that now are we lol.
Powers and Abilities
+Superhuman Strength (over 100 ton class)
+Superhuman Durability
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Senses
+Chemically Enhanced Physiology (basically he exists in past, present & future at once)
+Molecular Manipulation
+Materialization (create or alter anything with molecules at will)
+Superhuman Stamina
+Superman Agility
+Photokinesis (manipulating light either created by him or light that's already there)
+Light Projection (directly how he uses light he creates)
+Energy Blasts (another use of manipulating light)
+Darkness Manipulation (creates tentacles from The Void to restrain people)
+Psionic Abilities (mental powers)
+Biokinesis (Sentry cures a person while The Void gives something bad to another person)
+Regenerative Healing Factor
+Power Sharing (basically giving other peoples some of your powers)
+Teleportation (another form of light manipulation)
+Endurance (doesn't require using the bath room)
+Energy Manipulation (several types including solar)
+Genius Level Intellect
The Void
+Superhuman Strength
+Warping Speed (similar to how DC speedsters do things)
+Superhuman Stamina
+Superhuman Agility
+Superhuman Reflexes
+Superhuman Senses
+Sensory Scrying (instantly will know what Sentry knows)
+Adaptive Appearance
+Molecule Manipulation
+Atmokinesis (controlling the weather)
+Adaptive Possession
+Infini-Tendrills (essentially creating an unknown number of tentacles at will)
+Darkness Manipulation (more actual dark manipulation)
+Ultimate Intangibility (capable of avoiding any major damage by phrasing through anything)
+Night Augmentation (The Void is at his strongest at night)
+Telempathy (a mixture of telepathic & empathetic)
+Negative Zone Augmentation (becomes limitless inside the Negative Zone)
+Photokinesis (allowing light within darkness)

I do need to state something before I list his powers. Superman has a different set of powers in several canons. In fact, there is a lot of powers shared in majority of them. But I can not fully name every single ability ever given to him. If I were in that situation, it would only be fair to do the same with Sentry & The Void.
+Kyptonian Physiology (one of the most durability species in the universe)
+Solar Energy Absorption (No clear limit on how much he can absorb)
+Heat Vision
+Super-Hearing (ridiculously impossible hearing)
+Enhanced Vision
+Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision (capable of actually seeing TV and radio signals)
+Telescopic Vision (being able to see a long distance)
+X-Ray Vision
+Mircoscopic Vision (capable of seeing stuff a microscope can pick up)
+Infrared Vision (allowing him to see in darkness)
+Invulnerability (basically you have to be as strong or stronger to harm him)
+Superhuman Stamina (still requires the basic eat, drink and sleep)
+Superhuman Strength (over 100 ton class)
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Agility
+Superhuman Reflexes (similar to speedsters)
+Super-Breath (powerful blowing with some temperature manipulation)
+Solar Flare (a all or nothing move where most of his power gets used in one attack)
+Expert Combatant
+Genius Level Intellect
+Indomitable Will
+Torquasm VO (Kryptonian's method of fighting mental threats)
+Torquasm Rao (Kryptonian's material arts)
+Intimdation (scaring people)

Depending on his mental state, Sentry has questionable state of mind. This also could led to The Void getting control. Now here's a very weird form of weakness even for my standards. Sentry is at his weakest in the Negative Zone but The Void also at his most powerful there too. Basically if the two remain at war with each other, only one will benefit from being there.

Due to being a Kyrptonian, he has a weakness to both Kryptonite as well as magic. Oh okay I can understand Kryptonite but why magic? Also his powers heavily relies on what he's getting from the sun or a nearby star. Of course, a blue sun doubles the power input. But a red sun in time will remove his powers.

+More ridiculous powers (a bold statement in this rare case)
+Superior regeneration
+Technically more powers
+Essentially fighting two characters
+Superman has a rough history with characters altering reality
+Capable of absorbing more energy types including solar energy
+Greater endurance
+Even S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know how to kill him
+In the Negative Zone, The Void is essentially limitless
+Capable of recreating Kryptonite
+Everything Sentry does, The Void instantly knows to help against Superman
+Even in a weaken state, Sentry can still hold his own in combat
+The Void can easily avoid most of Superman's attacks
+Most attempts to stop Sentry has failed
+More use to fighting characters similar to Superman
-More questionable state of mind
-Not as ridiculous in stats (although he does come a lot closer than most in that area)
-Not as experienced as Superman
-Not as intelligent as Superman
-Needs help to gain control back from The Void
-Not as durable as Superman
-In the Negative Zone, weakens Sentry completely at a fast rate
-Not use to fighting those going several times the Speed of Light
-Sentry might have trouble tanking The Infinite Mass Punch
-Has senses aren't as good but still better than two similar rip off characters

+Superior overall stats
+His powers has no clear limit depending the distance of the sun
+Much smarter than Sentry and The Void
+Has a greater willpower
+Physically more durability
+Superior in mental battles
+More fighting styles thanks to several members of the Justice League
+Learns at a much faster rate
+More use to fighting those going several times the Speed of Light
+Does have access to Infinite Mass Punch aka the strongest punch there is
+More likely to come up with strategies that could slow him down at a fast rate
+Superior overall senses
-All of his powers heavily relies on solar energy thus likely to run out faster
-Sentry can absorb solar energy
-Superman isn't use to fighting a character like this
-More serve regeneration takes time
-Surprisingly not the same level of stamina
-Most of his powers that Sentry doesn't have relates to different visions
-Yes it is possible to kill Superman
-Sentry can find or create Kryptonite to use against him
-Superman has a long history struggling against those warping reality
-Using Solar Flare not only uses up his remaining energy but also powers Sentry too
-When Superman doesn't have enough solar energy, he is similar to a human being
-Has fought more insanely powerful beings more often like avatars of Darkseid
-Can't do much to The Void
-Sometimes he's more focus on protecting cities & people than fighting people

I am not going to lie, I am very surprised Sentry can easily take the win. Now here's the thing, if this were just a fight. There's a lot of possibility ways this can play out. However for this web show, one or more has to die. In this rare case, there's a few problems with Sentry in that department. He has the power to determines when he can die.
His regeneration was stated by several sources in the comics that his durability had no true limits. Also Superman has a long history struggling against those altering reality. A great example of this is a magical imp named Mister Mxyzptlk I'm not kidding. This guy can alter reality in ridiculous ways. In fact his power is so great, the only way.
Superman could win was tricking him to saying his name backwards. I should point out Sentry essentially exists in past, present & future at the same time. This by itself makes him more of a god figure than an actual man. He also can absorb more energy types including solar energy. The very thing giving Superman his powers.
The worst case scenario for this fight is Superman using Solar Flare against him. Not only he uses whatever energy he had left, it's all going inside Sentry instead of destroying him. Now going back to existing in all of time like a god, this prevents Superman going into the past to depower him or wipe him out of existence entirely.
Superman also is usually more focus in protecting cities, planets & the people. In this particular case, Sentry is likely going to be piss off. The very last thing he's going to give a damn about. Of course I didn't even talk about The Void yet. Although all three do share a lot of powers. I have to say The Void is essentially the most ridiculous by far. His powers makes him an impossible opponent for Superman to handle.
Now considering he once defeated Imperiex, who has the power of the Big Bang. Yes the very Big Bang that once created the universe solo. I got to say that's really saying something. The Void can phrase through most of Superman's attacks. At the same time, he will have a difficult time handling his tentacles.
Sentry's light manipulation does not include solar energy. Also in how he manipulation light is more ridiculous like the time he teleported. In terms of durability, Superman does have a tougher body. Yet Sentry can tank more serious damage as well as regenerate at a much faster rate. I do need to bring up limitless potential for a minute here.
Superman requires the sun depending on the sun determines how much solar energy he's receiving. Obviously there is no limit how much of it, he can store. The Negative Zone is a double edged sword for Sentry. On one hand, it greatly weakens Sentry while making The Void virtually limitless. In fact, I believe he can reach that level of power faster than Superman in the sun.
Not only that Sentry can also recreate Kryptonite. Which is one of the very few things to go right through his invulnerability. In fact, there are times he almost died by exposure to them. Kryptonite weakens him as well as destroys any stored solar energy inside of him. Which is also essentially what a red sun does to him.
More recently in the comics, both personalities of Sentry became one. Yes you heard me correctly, this form has all of those powers with no holding back in using it. Superman got trained by Mongul the Second for that. This version technically doesn't have said weaknesses of either side making him truly invincible.
Obviously Superman does have some great advantages over Sentry. The big problem is no matter what he does in this fight to the death. Sentry will eventually come out as the victor. Superman can't harm him much by using solar energy for several reasons. The Void by itself is simply too much for The Avengers.
Chances are Superman isn't going to get far battling just The Void in combat. There is a chance he might faced the merged Sentry that has both personalities powers. Thus being even more god like than Superman. End of the day, Superman does have superior feats in every category. Usually that is some of the important stuff you look for in a fight.
Except in this particular case because most ways Superman could win is not possible. At the same time, Sentry has plenty of ways to kill Superman. Some being more violent than others. Now Superman was one of the very first comic book super heroes in existence. Although I do respect him to a degree.
Sentry existing in past, present & future at the same time makes some ridiculous possibilities impossible. To clarify, most of Superman's powers that Sentry didn't have relates to eye related powers. In comparison, Sentry had more reality altering powers even to the point. He can actually choose when to die.
This by itself makes it virtually impossible for Superman to kill him. I do need point another interesting thing about Sentry out. When low on powers, he still has most of his powers. But in Superman's case, he is very similar to a human being. Not to mention, Sentry has plenty of options to prevent Superman from getting more solar energy.
Despite not being as fast as Superman in both movement speed as well as flight speed. Sentry can teleport greater distance with ease. Which means if he really wanted to, he could teleport in Superman's path in space to the sun. Sentry also has weather manipulation as well as darkness manipulation.
Parts of this won't affect Superman much but he still doesn't have counters against it either. Superman may have more overall experience. But Sentry is a being no one wants to go against, I literately mean no body including the Hulk. It was stated his potential from what they were able to gather classified him to be the strongest mortal in the universe.
Superman has held his own against opponents as strong & stronger like other Kryptonians, avatars of Darkseid & Brainiac. It was also stated Sentry once fought Galactus to a stalemate. Keep in mind, Superman had additional solar energy against Imperiex. In comparison, Sentry didn't have any additional power to do that.
Superman can figure out strategies to possibly slow down the fight. Except both halves of Sentry in their own right can adept quickly. Especially in The Void's case since he can alter his entire body at will. This is surprisingly something Superman doesn't deal with often either. By now you are sorta seeing how all of these reasons connects.
Sentry is basically too god like for Superman to kill. Both of them have defeated gods in the past. But Superman never fought the actual god Darkseid. You would be surprised who seen a part of him. In comparison, Sentry has defeated gods like Thor several times. This is crazy that Superman had powers but couldn't use them until he was on Earth.
Sentry was given a more powerful variation of the serum that gave Captain America his powers. I still got one ridiculous thing to talk about. By now, we all heard the famous saying about Sentry. He can attack with the power of a million exploding suns. Obviously this is referencing supernovas as well as hypernovas.
Even a small fracture of this power can destroy a notable part of the galaxy no pun intended. A hypernova for those that doesn't know is a more powerful explosion worth ten supernovas at once or greater. Yeah the actual number behind that insane level of power is very ridiculous folks. I don't think even when Superman went all out can come close to that level of destruction.
Even if I were to bring Shazam into this comparison for fun. This actually trumps that famous black hole feat in raw power alone I'm not kidding. Sentry has the potential to attack with a even greater insanely powerful attacks. So the only other thing I need to discuss is a very clear difference in their characters.
Superman is more about protecting cities, planets, universes & the people. Not always the case with Sentry. In fact, there's times he goes on an rampage that takes a lot of effort to take him down. One time he fought World Breaker Hulk, the strongest on record Hulk to a stalemate. It was stated, this version of Hulk had the potential of sinking the entire eastern seaboard.
Obviously that's much lower to some of the better destructive Superman feats. But the fact he was able to handle this ridiculously strong Hulk meant he could potentially handle Superman. I did a lot of research over this particular fight. I am 100% positive if it ever happens that Sentry will likely win on Death Battle against Superman.
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