Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Why I think Arthur Fleck vs Jerome Valeska should happen on Death Battle?

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I figured to directly pitch a particular DC fight. I know some may not like it because indirectly it would be another Joker episode. The twist is both these characters are proto Joker characters that gotten succeeded by the actual Joker within their stories. I also couldn't think of a more fitting match for either character than well each other.

I am talking about Arthur Fleck from Joker movie series taking on Jerome Valeska from Gotham show. You can bet they got some strikingly similarities making them virtually the same character. Both grew up with abuse from their own families including their moms. Well adoptive mother in Arthur's case. They later murdered their moms.

Both chosen a clown persona that inspired a lot of people in Gotham bringing chaos to the city. Jerome technically has two deaths on his show. His original death, he gotten fatally stabbed. Which ended up happening to Arthur by the actual Joker. Jerome set up his final death while sent his brother a surprise. It's hard to say if Jeremiah already planning his terrible things prior to getting gas or not.

Arthur disappointed the man who killed him to end up becoming The Joker. Jerome made sure chaos coming to Gotham through his brother. Whose essentially was the actual Joker on the show. Both also met Bruce Wayne as a kid prior to him becoming Batman. I also gotta mention both killed while on camera. A major difference is Jerome loved the attention he's getting from both sides of everything he's done.

Deep down Arthur realized he never wanted to be this symbol some people put onto him. Obviously both has their real names revealed while The Joker's true name for a long time wasn't revealed in comics. Their Joker personas were somewhat similar. Jerome was more of chaos itself while Joker stopped caring to do what's right.

Jerome was having fun doing bad things while Arthur felt more justified within his actions. Neither wore mostly purple clothes, one of Joker's notable traits. They got their own clown make up with Jerome healed from his face cut off by a follower of his. In a few ways both had inspired Joker stuff added to their characters.

Arthur was a failed comedian, which was pulled from Killing Joke. Gotham show with Jeremiah getting the iconic Joker laugh moment from the same story that got triggered by his brother Jerome. Jerome later gotten green hair prior to his final death. This would be a more realistic Joker fight. I don't think it would be closer or as crazy as Joker vs Sweet Tooth.

I do think in the right hands this could be quite entertaining to watch. People might not like all the laughing. These two men been through some rough stuff in their life. This would be a bit outside the box since who ever considered a concept like this before? A Joker fight without the actual Joker amazing stuff.

Obviously we're taking a huge risk doing that. Personally I rather see this over The Joker vs Green Goblin. Just imagine the interactions with these two. I felt that by itself what makes this so fun to watch. Then all the possible situations that could happen as well. All of a sudden, this fight keeps more interesting than expected.

I do like both these characters. There's a lot of people that felt Jerome not his brother Jeremiah should've been The Joker. Honestly, Jerome lacked some major traits of the character. I do agree he was more fun to watch in comparison. Arthur comes off as a surprising, refreshing take on the concept. I would love to see this fight happen eventually on the show.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) vs Ryomen Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I got a few more Death Battle fight prediction blogs coming. This recent entry actually me remaking what was originally a fight prediction video I made. I figured redoing this particular one within an blog would be much easier to better explain my arguments. The fight question I'm technically doing again is Kenpachi Zaraki vs Ryomen Sukuna.

I do want to make a few things clear. No I'm not changing who I'm siding with in this prediction blog. Also I felt some critical info didn't quite make the video due to shorter length. A major reason why I'm remaking it this way. I felt I should've done it this way originally, I wasn't quite happy with it. I think after you read the entire verdict section you see why I felt that.

The true point of redoing it is making the definitive fight prediction I originally sent out to make. I strongly felt you really going to see everything!!! This was a few months worth of research in regards to Jujutsu Kaisen. Personally I rather see Kenpachi fight someone he possibly could lose against like Roronoa Zoro from One Piece.

Kenpachi Zaraki

There's no sugar coating this, yes it's a stomp in favor of Kenpachi Zaraki. Experience is probably the weirdest factor to discuss. Both of them has several centuries worth of experience. Even this has a huge deciding factor I couldn't ignore. Sukuna survived with his twenty fingers became cursed objects. Which are indestructible that's attracting cursed spirits.

After Yuji swallowed one of these fingers, he was revived while inside his body. Overtime he regained nineteen of his twenty fingers. Somehow he regained his full form while possessing Megumi. Prior to Yuji getting possessed, there's nearly a thousand years gap worth of nothing. In comparison, Kenpachi since his childhood constantly been in battles.

The story roughly gave us an idea how long Kenpachi been around in canon. When Retsu Unohana first fought Kenpachi. He defeated a lot of soul reapers on his own. He gave her a surprisingly difficult fight. Soul reaper captains are the strongest members in their respective divisions. At the time, she was the original captain of the 11th division.

Now add in the original head captain Yamamoto whose been in his position for a thousand years. She among his original captains under his command. Sukuna lacked several centuries worth of experience while Kenpachi has those years under his belt. Unlike my video prediction, I now have critical information from the sequel novel to add in as well to discuss.

Let's talk stats Sukuna could be scaled among the strongest Jujutsu Kaisen characters like Gojo. Possibly at best multi city block level. Not bad but falls notably in comparison to Kenpachi. Before he learned how to use his powers, he fought directly with raw power for a long time. It turns out his first fight with Unohana, Kenpachi mentally held himself back.

Exactly why his final fight with her done the exact opposite effect. Plus he finally learned about his zanpakuto as well as his powers he gained despite having it for so long. Craziest Shikai scaling manga wise, he destroyed an meteorite Gremmy created with his mind. Which he stated capable of destroying the entire Seireitei within impact.

This large building filled with thousands of soul reapers. On foot would take ten days worth of walking just to reach one end. Obviously Bleach characters can fly cutting the distance down notably. Usually when Gremmy thinks of happens exactly how he imagined. This was directly stated during his defeat as well.

Essentially this meteorite he created actually had enough force to destroy it. Depending on scaling methods destroying this places Kenpachi multi continental or moon level. Both are notably greater in volume to multi city block level. But wait there's more bringing in his Bankai with some impressive feats.

Yes we gotta talk about Gerard, a ridiculous quincy. Kenpachi used his Bankai directly against him. In this form he's full blown berserker mode. He actually sent this giant flying with several blows as well as cut some of his limbs off with ease. I could argue since most quincies were stated to be on soul reaper captain level.

Kenpachi possibly on planet level despite at the time not fully being able to handle his own power. Which caused his body to break apart to a degree just from the power he contains. Let's go even further in the sequel novel, Kenpachi defeated two insanely powerful beings. One of them was stated to have the power to end all of existence.

At the same time, Kenpachi surprisingly one shot this being. He later fought someone who had fragments of the soul king making her ridiculously powerful. Of course, the man doesn't back down from a fight. He ends up possibly more on Dragon Ball character scaling here. This even suggests Kenpachi currently the strongest soul reaper in existence!!!

Obviously this version of Kenpachi is way too powerful for Sukuna to handle. Speed wise, Sukuna could get scale to faster than light speed. Kenpachi is still notably a lot faster in comparison. His main thing is combat adaptability. Even Aizen didn't wanna fight this guy. Yhwach marked Kenpachi among their special five targets.

Now bringing Ichigo into this, he's constantly among the fastest character in his universe. It's safe to say Kenpachi rivals that speed possibly in the sequel novel going beyond that. Ichigo is notably a lot faster than the Speed of Light with plenty of feats to back it up. By this point, you already figure out the remaining stats goes to Kenpachi.

All of that makes Sukuna going to die if he ever faces Kenpachi. We got the stats out the way, I still got plenty more stuff to mention here. Sukuna through his cursed objects mostly in two particular characters. He forces himself spiritually into them creating an imbalance spiritual bound. This is rather interesting because of Kenpachi.

In vice versa, Kenpachi actually the host. His zanpakuto Nozarashi being his spiritual companion that takes the form of a bladed weapon. Until his fated battle against Unohana, it was a rather distance relationship. After that fight, their bond got renewed fixing that problem. They always meant to be together kinda like JoJo's stands.

This is critical because Yuj through a lot of Black Flash blows weakened eventually destroyed. Sukuna's spiritual barrier with Megumi leading to his demise. Which is kinda amusing considering Kenpachi with his zanpakuto are both spiritual beings that directly attack souls. Well a more accurate term flat out destroys em.

Kenpachi could easily destroy that barrier forcing Sukuna from Megumi's body. Going back to that spiritual barrier, Megumi once prevented him using his techniques. This is something that could happen thing. Sukuna also has access to his Domain Expansion as well as Hollow Wicker Basket. Hollow Wicker Basket acts as a form of defense against several attacks including other Domain Expansions.

Domain Expansions opened their own space where the wielder for the most part. Guarantee to successfully land attacks, I know this sounds like a sure win factor for Sukuna. Well it actually isn't at all for many reasons. Wicker Basket can't handle Kenpachi's raw power as well as his ability to cut anything.

Which goes directly into my next point, Gremmy with several clones created actual space trapped Kenpachi inside. Kenpachi survived to easily cut through this with his zanpakuto. Which confirms his zanpakuto can cut dimensions. Considering Domain Expansions do a similar effect. Kenpachi can easily cut through it with ease.

He's so powerful, he could break his Domain Expansion anything he wants. He is notably a lot faster to prevent Sukuna trapping him. Sukuna could constantly slash Kenpachi to not get far. Also regardless when that technique ends, Sukuna will need time. He will be in a weaken state vulnerable. Let's be honest, Kenpachi could easily win without using his Shikai.

There's also summons Megumi had Sukuna could use. Majority of them won't last long against Kenpachi. Sukuna could delay the inevitable to a degree using Mahoraga. Which can adapt to techniques like Gojo's Limitless. Here's my golden argument why it won't beat Kenpachi either. Considering he defeated Gremmy who uses his imagination as a power.

Kenpachi constantly had to adapt to any situation Gremmy threw him in. In the end, he won the fight tired. I felt if Kenpachi can defeat someone like that. There's virtually no way Mahoraga going to help much either. We still haven't brought up another great point why Kenpachi wins. Sukuna has four arms while Kenpachi defeated an even stronger six armed man before.

Espada Nnoitra is more on multi continental to country level in power scaling. Either is notably greater than Sukuna's. He even used his Resurreccion against Kenpachi. Oh yeah we gotta mention his argument with captain Byakuya Kuchiki while facing Yammy. Who was revealed to be number 0 Espada aka strongest among them.

I know some may question why bring this up right? They were most pissed at each other. Neither wanted to face Yammy, he kept interrupting them. For fairness since both came back from fighting Yammy. We could half what Yammy done which is still far greater than Sukuna. Yammy in his Resurreccion has a lot of legs.

Also in this form he can adapt becoming even bigger as well as stronger. Essentially Hulk's anger factor possibly making him just about multi continental level in power. Another huge reason why Kenpachi wins, just imagine he never held back at all. He possibly be too powerful to exist. Which is a real possibility within Bleach universe.

This also means his potential is notably a lot longer than Sukuna's. Another notable factor is well Sukuna acts like Homelander in his universe. Majority of Jujutsu sorcerers just aren't on his level. There was a statement from Sukuna hinting Yuji could possibly become stronger than him. In comparison, Kenpachi is the captain of a combat division among the soul reapers.

Widely known for be warriors among them. I know it's difficult to believe this guy a leader. In fact, he done the rare method to become an soul reaper captain. Usually do a written test or get recommended by another soul reaper captain. Of course neither was Kenpachi's style. No he challenged his previous captain to a fight, he won.

Now think about this for a minute. He was a low rank soul reaper that challenged his captain to a fight. Kenpachi was surprisingly more powerful than him. This also mean he's a superior fighter as well. This is rather impressive with everything considering. Neither felt they needed to improve much for different reasons.

Kenpachi was a gifted fighter that's unnaturally strong. Sukuna was stronger than most Jujutsu sorcerers in two particular time periods he was in. Not many people gotten remotely close to either of them for several centuries. I still gotta give the edge to Kenpachi defeated his former captain. Sukuna also loves to use fire as well as slashes.

Kenpachi himself stated to have a very durable body. As shown when he allowed Ichigo to attack him just to prove a point. Going back to Nnoitra, he too said a similar statement. Kenpachi still took him down, Sukuna's slashes would be lucky to cut him a little bit. Even if he were cutting him a lot, the man simply laughs off pain like it's nothing.

Sukuna's fire wouldn't help him very much either. What's the point of winning the range advantage when you aren't able to do anything with it? Especially when your opponent loves close range combat with a huge passion. Sukuna also hates to lose to the point he confessed he would change his path. So he doesn't lose, yes I'm afraid this happened in the story.

Keep in mind, he already dead talking to Mahito. Yeah Shigaraki kill that prick for us!!! He basically didn't own up to his loss but rather refuse to accept it with such a poor excuse. Then again the author got rushed to finish his story, I guess stuff like this was expected. Obviously Sukuna could fight to some degree in the air.

For soul reapers, fighting in the air is part of their training. Again with more actual combat experience, Sukuna going to constantly be over whelm during this fight. Of course that's assuming Kenpachi doesn't quickly kill him to prove a point. Like when Giriko Kutsuzawa let shared Ichigo's power go to his head.

This man also had a weird time theme powers. Kenpachi virtually one shot him just to prove to him just how weak he truly was. To be brutally honest, Sukuna lacks anything major enough in this fight. Technically the only real advantage Sukuna has are his fingers being indestructible. However a few things worked against the very concept itself.

Sukuna somehow regained his full form without all twenty forms. His final form got used against him by Nobara. whose specialize in a voodoo style striking technique. The finger itself couldn't get any damage. So when she stroke that finger, Sukuna directly took damage instead. Again Kenpachi wouldn't use tactics like this.

I figured to directly mention it. Considering where this fight could take place. Like in the world of the living, soul reaper lieutenants and captains have their spiritual pressure lowered. This is to make sure their spiritual pressure doesn't destroy the human world. Sadly when you get that strong only Hell waits for em in the end.

Even in a weakened state, Kenpachi still one of the strongest they have. He has plenty experience using specialized limiters in the form of eyepatches. Thus, he's actually more experienced being weakened than fighting like normal. This is a factor most characters in Jujutsu Kaisen lacks altogether. A true testament how truly impressive Kenpachi is.

He prefers fights he could lose allowing him to go all out. Rather than what this is, Sukuna simply too weak, too slow and most of his options won't work on Kenpachi. Sukuna also wouldn't be able to do much to his zanpakuto either. Let's put it this way, if he can't harm Kenpachi. He has virtually no chance at damaging his zanpakuto.

As for his Bankai form, there's no way Sukuna surviving that. Power scaling is vastly different between Bleach and Jujutsu Kaisen. yes both do cover the world of the living as well as parts of the afterlife. We can argue Bleach goes even further than that. What could be powerful in Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Well just isn't in Bleach universe.

Both manga stories are over with Bleach getting some Hell chapters I can't wait. Despite that, Bleach is more on an epic power scaling concept about the universe. This is similar power scaling to Naruto & Yu Yu Hakusho. A major difference is Bleach characters constantly sped through categories of power scaling. Not so much in Jujutsu Kaisen's case that stayed at multi city block level.

Going back to Hollow Wicker Basket, Gremmy created shields to protect himself. He also imagined himself being as tough as steel. Kenpachi cut through both of those with a little effort. Not to mention Hollow Wicker Baskets is considered weaker than Domain Expansions. Sukuna could do Domain Expansion again, it only makes things worst for him.

This is virtually months of me reading Jujutsu Kaisen in a nut shell. I previously finished Bleach years ago, still among my favorite Shonen stories. Ultimately, Sukuna in every sense of the word screwed. Kenpachi is so powerful, he could win at any time he wants. Which would be incredibly boring to him. Kinda how I felt about this match getting discussed on Death Battle Cast honestly.

Winner: Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach)

Doom + Doom II review (2024)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I previously done my thoughts on Doom + Doom 2. Man it took a long time to fully play every campaign within Doom + Doom 2. Excluding mods, all done officially done on Hurt Me Plenty without codes. Now I felt like this remaster going to get more proper respect from me. I can safely say the absolute greatest Doom game I ever played!!!

Doom + Doom II (2024)

Similar to Castlevania Dominus Collection, this also had an epic shadow drop. During a particular convention, this surprise remastered compilation Doom game. I can confirm I played most notable versions excluding the previous console versions prior to XBLA versions. I never seen Doom play this damn good in my entire life!!!

You get a lot of campaigns for your money. Unless you bought any previous versions. Then you automatically get this remastered version. I confess I previously cheated every achievement twice. One of two major reasons I chosen to do it right by playing every campaign without codes. The other reason being me celebrating Master Chief vs Doomslayer rematch officially happening on Death Battle.

1. Doom (4 episodes)
2. Doom II: Hell on Earth (my favorite among the Doom games)
3. Master Levels for Doom II (placed into it's own campaign)
4. TNT: Evilution (one half of Final Doom)
5. The Plutonia Experiment (one half of Final Doom)
6. Doom II: No Rest for the Living
7. Sigil
8. Legacy of Rust (my favorite expansion campaign)

Obviously a lot of levels within twelve campaigns. Plus mod support adding a lot more Doom levels. Personally I'm a huge fan of Simpsons Doom myself. I usually play without codes on easier difficulties. Once in a blue moon I dare to try them on Hurt Me Plenty. Suddenly when I gotten the idea to fully do all of it on Hurt Me Plenty.

I basically treated it as an gaming bucket list thing. Something I may never do again. Also to support the upcoming Killing Time: Resurrected this week. I even put some other projects on hold for this. I felt the time as well as effort was well worth every bit of it. Honestly, it's kinda nice all these people get their works collaborate into this.

During the conclusion of this roughly a week prior, they updated the cheats system. I figured to quickly mention that to help give an idea how long I worked on doing all of this. Also considering it's October, Halloween around the corner. Why the hell not do this? This is now among my most to play games on Halloween list.

I do like you can check the maps. Sometimes the game isn't sure what's going on. A handful of maps had sections not presented on the maps at all. Despite issues like that, the maps mostly works just fine. Personally, I wish some of them would've used more particular colors. So you know you gotta go there with the right key items.

You truly get more Doom you ever could possibly imagine. You get nice bonus stuff similar to some of Nightdive Studios' remastered games. I recently bought three of them myself. Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition, System Shock: Enhanced Edition and Shadow Man Remastered respectively. This company does truly amazing work reviving the classic games.

It's virtually everything from the previous versions a few years prior plus much more. I really like two of my favorite Doom games are together in this. I am prepare to directly talk about the campaigns I haven't said much about since. Master Levels for Doom II is essentially harder levels to challenge those that mastered Doom II.

Final Doom as a whole felt like that notably increased. Sigil difficulty wise is kinda in the middle of that. Legacy of Rust is hands down the hardest. Usually the newest campaigns aren't that great among their remastered games. I will say this deserves to be among their best newer campaigns they done. You could argue with insanity that happens it could had some Serious Sam inspiration.

Legacy of Rust actually a new Doom II campaign Which makes also having Sigil 1 and 2 a bit awkward. This felt like all the other campaigns combined into something truly amazing. Just when you thought Doom ran out of tricks. You clearly haven't played Legacy of Rust!!! This blew my mind on so many levels as I was playing it.

Considering you get a lot more enemies than you regularly get within levels. A particular levels has over five hundred enemies no joke. This would be rookie numbers to final levels in Serious Sam series. Which usually has a few thousands of enemies. The maps kept getting more ambitious in some way. Legacy of Rust pushed it to a level I never thought exists outside modding.

A few rooms had my nerves flies straight up. Like the famous Cyberdemons room. I already intense facing just one Cyberdemon. Here's a room filled with them, I was instantly mind blown. Now yes there's a secret level in Master Levels for Doom II that also has a room filled with em. This was different due to being a much smaller area.

The amount of Cyberdemons was notably a bit smaller. But it didn't change the fact you gotta fight to survive in there. Now we really gotta talk about a particular room filled with Cacodemons. No literately I'm fighting a few enemies, I kept killing these things for a few minutes straight. It almost came off like an Serious Sam game.

I also respected they somehow fit in more stuff. They added a few new weapons with one replacing the BFG. Both are flame based weapons are some of the most fun I ever used within video games. They added newer enemies that are somewhat similar to some older enemies. It's better than the usual expansion quality for newer enemies was back in the day.

Legacy of Rust on harder difficulties is a true test of will. Yes you have a lot of enemies to face. Some surprises you won't see coming during a first playthrough. Unless you already watched runs of it prior to playing it. Regardless, this is such a nice surprise for the compilation. I highly recommend checking this one out.

Every level felt like a series of mazes or somewhat metroidvania style. Master Levels for Doom II I felt to me the most unbalanced difficulty wise. Maybe that's just me, the difficulty spikes notably often. Even the other harder campaigns were more balanced than this. There's no question it's a better lineup than how that concept previously done on another Doom compilation that's exclusive to PS3.

A pro tip campaigns like that one don't start playing if you're new to Doom. Trust me you won't get far at all. Final Doom I kinda have to apologize to before I break that down. I previously written poorly about it in another older Doom blog I written. Seriously what was I don at that time? Anyway, Final Doom was a similar situation to Master Levels for Doom II.

There's a little move that upset people back in the day. TNT: Evulition was almost finished. They were within days of release. Which would've been a free Doom mod to play. But they accepted ID Software's deal. A team mostly of brothers quickly made The Plutonia Experiment. Final Doom if you wanna be technical was essentially Doom 3 for original Doom series.

The Plutonia Experiment is notably harder than most campaigns within this. It was designed to challenge the very best Doom players. Basically the easier difficulties would be more like harder variations of em here. There's virtually no mess around while playing this. It's among my least favorite campaigns including for a few reasons.

I'm actually a bigger fan of the other half, TNT: Evilution. Some unique designs for the levels as well as some new songs added. I also felt this is one of the most surprisingly balanced campaigns included. No really I was expecting this to be almost as rough as The Plutonia Experiment or Legacy of Rust. I will confirm there's a learning curve at some parts.

In all honestly, it was a fun campaign I would replay again. Master Levels for Doom II would be ranked higher than The Plutonia Experiment. I gotta talk about Sigil, John Romero made this!!! He was a legend within the industry. Years later, he decided to make Sigil as a spiritual episode 5 to Doom. Personally I liked that more than Episode 5 of Duke Nukem 3D.

You also can play Sigil 2 through mod support, also done by Romero. It will be among the featured mods section. Majority of them from the last version are together once again. Sigil has a more notable learning curve. You got to shoot at these eye things placed in particular spots. After a while you start to figure how this works.

Sigil you will have a harder time with figuring it out than facing the enemies. Simply for that matter it's in the middle of these amazing Doom campaigns. Even trying to follow a map in any of these can be tricky. I mostly already talked a great deal about the other campaigns. We got two great Doom games that still holds up amazingly well.

Doom II recently celebrated thirty years!!! Damn time sure flies while you're having fun lol. Doom is broken up into four episodes. Which are their own connected campaigns. Episode 4 is easily the toughest campaign among them. It's more than you're expecting among playing it for the first time. Episode 4 virtually is you mastered Doom right?

Now you gotta play even harder to beat Episode 4!!! Despite the same boss as Episode 3 being Spiderdemon at the end. You actually should be more worried about the surprises they have in store. Some of them will throw you off your game. Expect more of that in these campaigns. Doom II always been my favorite main Doom game campaign.

I know some might argue Doom to a degree. But that has four episodes, which campaign are we talking about here? Some might bring in Doom: Eternal. I still haven't finished Doom: Eternal myself. Where it currently stands I can't say until I do. Until then I'll just say Doom II the best one in my eyes. I felt the right newer addition made it a truly fun experience.

We get a new, powerful weapon being the famous Super Shotgun!!! I liked some of the newer enemies mostly Revenants. The most annoying enemy is Archville by a thousand. These things when they see you will attempt to burn you alive. They also revive other enemies including some that don't like em either.

Some campaigns made Archvilles incredibly annoying. They like to move around fast to freak you out. There's a particular level in The Plutonia Experiment, I really don't like. My favorite enemies including bosses are Cyberdemon, Shotgun Guy, Revenant, Shocktrooper, Tyrant and Vassago respectively. I know I should explain why I like these particular enemies.

Shotgun Guy are similar to zombie soldiers but they wear black armor. Surprisingly accurate with shotguns, they also don't like some enemies including each other. Either shotguns is among my favorite weapons. Killing a lot of them can quickly fill you back up with shotgun shells. Revenant are slightly bigger than Imps with projectiles.

Mostly similar but deals more damage. They also can make their projectiles homing. Of course, there's times that can be annoying. Other times you can use those to attack other enemies with. Especially in a huge room filled with enemies. I also love their design as a whole. Shocktrooper are essentially fight similar to you using plasma rifles.

This kinda reminds me of Santa Claws in Duke: Nuclear Winter. Whose sprites was virtually the same as the character you're playing as. Easily, among the toughest enemies by far. Vassago are huge demons that throws fire at you. Some of these newer enemies has amazing death animations. Just another reason why I liked them so much.

Tyrant and Cyberdemon are strikingly similar. Tyrant is like a smaller, weaker variation of Cyberdemon. They mostly appear in the final level. Both are huge demons that constantly fires rockets at you. Cyberdemon always been my favorite Doom demon. This thing is among the tallest enemies with such an menacing appearance.

Just hearing a particular sound it makes, you instantly prepare for an intense battle ahead. This has a lot of Cyberdemons in the main levels than expected. You really get your money's worth this Doom game. You really couldn't ask for anything more. I strongly felt this was simply done too good for any newer version to top it.

Doom + Doom II is easily one of their greatest remasters I ever played!!! This really screams Doom in every sense of the word. You got so much content especially if you gotten it automatically free like me. Not only that Doom never played this damn good prior. Also mod support helps to keep giving it more replay value.

You really get so much for this remastered game. I would even dare to say it's better than Doom 64, Quake 1 and Blood: Fresh Supply. For me, it just isn't as great as Quake II remaster. I just felt that was virtually done absolutely perfectly. There's mostly crashing to a degree slowing it down. Otherwise, a very strong yes you gotta play this!!!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Top 5 Things I wanna see in Killing Time: Resurrected

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, next week on the 17th. Nightdive Studios finally releases Killing Time: Resurrected. I played some of their remasters, I'm very hyped for it. Especially after watching their newer trailer. Here's my direct quote that perfectly sums it up. "I never seen an remaster looked this good in my entire life!!!"

Killing Time was originally an 3DO game. They was a deal to bring the game to PC. The game completely got remade while brought many things from the original 3DO version. This newer version suppose to be the true definitive version. In all honestly, I already know this is going to blow people's minds in a great way.

I figure to reveal the five things I wanna see in Killing Time: Resurrected. I'll try to keep it somewhat possible. Nothing like "They need both campaigns in this!!!" Considering they're doing something surprisingly more unique to make up for that. I'm not going to hold such an thing against them. I really can not wait to play this game myself.

1. Better lighting

Some areas are incredibly difficult to see due to lack of lights. Especially with a lot of enemies waiting to attack you. I would greatly appreciate an option to bright in game lighting to help with that problem. Therefore, it's no longer something we gotta work with. If you get hurt or killed in those areas with better lighting, it's on you not them.

I know some people will be very funny how brightness works in games. In this particular case, you can barely tell an enemy right there. Usually you gotta listen to them or likely get attacked by em. I actually felt this criticism of the PC version I owned justified. I for one would want anyone playing it to have a fighting chance in those dark areas too.

2. Option to pick which versions of enemies separately

Yes I know they already confirmed you can swap versions of enemies out. We don't fully know what that entitles though. Personally I would love a more unique direction. Where you can manually pick which versions of enemies you wanna face. Therefore, you can spice things up especially late at night. This could even bring more chaos than limiting versions of enemies alone, I love it!!!

Just throwing out an scenario to help give people an idea what I'm talking about. I would have 3DO Clowns with PC Skeletons in that one section of the Conway Estate. Now that kinda would be interesting right? Skeletons likely throw projectiles at you. At the same time force to adapt to that plus Clowns attacking you.

I know it strangely feels like Doom series doing this. Even doing this with the insect enemies could be rather interesting as well. Just allow our imaginations run wild. You could make several areas easier or harder simply by swapping enemy versions. Now that by itself helps to bring replay value to the game.

3. Better showcase of abilities

In particular there's an entire set of key items required to start the end game with. Each one has a different ability that helps in some way. It would be nice if they explain in game better what each of them do. Also improve the usage of some key items as well. Just don't buff the player too much. I felt this could help balance the game a lot.

4. Mod support

I know it isn't Doom or Quake popularity. Just imagine the crazy mods this game could get. Especially with a feature that directly plays em. This could add a lot more replay value to the game. There's plenty of potential to make this game even better than it already is. The possibilities what you could do are virtually endless.

5. Better map screen

Considering this plays like an FPS metroidvania Doom style game. Obviously you will get lost a lot during runs. I felt the map screen needs a lot of stuff to make it better. Such as a better way to tell which section of the map you're in. They also could make it even easier to tell where you at. This is a huge map filled with enemies, I do mean a lot of enemies.

I am aware some parts of the map would be tricky to pull off on that screen. I'm sure they will figure something out. Also any additional info would help a lot. An idea where key items are or roughly how many enemies are in that section. Even if there's any ammo left to find. You also don't want too useful of a map.

I just meant you got a lot of ground to cover. The last thing you'll need is getting confuse over where to go. Simply by trying to find out where you are on the map. Thankfully there isn't many boss fights in the game. Even a handful of these changes to the map screen. Essentially makes the game way better than it ever has been.

Ending portion

I considered a lot of stuff they revealed prior to writing this blog entry. I personally would like to thank Nightdive Studios bringing new life to a game that actually needed it. This is virtually day and night with this newer version. Killing Time: Resurrected could even be their greatest remaster to date on release.

You can tell Nightdive truly loved this game with an passion. I'm sure from start to finish you likely going to love it too. I already was hooked with the first trailer. The newer trailer pushed the game possibly being the next game I'm going to buy. It's very rare especially for an remastered game to do that for me.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Ash (Pokemon) vs Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, Death Battle placed a particular episode as their 200th episode next year. This is a huge request by a lot of people. It heavily brings nostalgia with a strange uniqueness to the table. I'm talking about Ash vs Yugi, this would be similar to Pokemon vs Digimon episode.


There's a lot of pokemon fans that's going to side with Ash. It's kinda not hard to see why either. His journey was quite an lengthy one. Compared to real life, 1997 to 2023. We're talking twenty six years why did it take so long? Ash became an Pokemon Master in his universe. We easily can give the experience advantage to Ash.

Although experience quite a weird topic here considering Yugi possessed by the pharaoh through his millennium puzzle. Without the pharaoh, Ash would easily have more experience than Yugi. Skill wise both sides are among the very best duelist of their styles. Ash uses several pokemons in battles. Yugi & the pharaoh uses cards during duels.

The pharaoh depending on translation a few thousand years. Which greatly dwarfs Ash's experience several life times more in comparison. He also can mentally talk to Yugi during duels to better his chances. It's virtually two against whoever he faces deal. This is a major factor why Ash going to lose this fight.

Yes there does exist mixed duel styles virtually combining two different games together. There's also pokemon cards as well making that possible. Personally I could just said very little to just named Yugi the winner since he had an Shonen Jump manga series. As everyone knows Shonen Jump essentially the Japanese counterpart to both Marvel and DC in ridiculous feats wise.

I felt for people to truly understand why I believe Yugi wins. I gotta break it all down to the best of my ability. For starters, I could argue Yugi is still a decent duelist himself. Obviously the pharaoh better than Ash willing to take major risks to win. This is vastly different from Pokemon vs Digimon fights they done.

Unlike Red, Ash is allowed to use more than one pokemons in this fight. We haven't technically done a card style character on the show before. Yu-Gi-Oh! a rather complex card game if you haven't play it before. I don't think Ash could understand a lot of it's concepts. Even if Yugi or the pharaoh taking the time to explain em.

Ash technically would have the advantage knowing which pokemons he's about summon. His opponents would have to hope for some decent cards. It's even possible to draw a hand full of not great cards too. This also indirectly counts as an advantage. Ash simply going to have a harder time predicting what's about to happen.

Also an Yu-Gi-Oh! duelist has more control over the battlefield than an pokemon trainer. This is where I felt the scariest advantage Yugi has comes into play here. Ash can only give commands to pokemons during a duel. He can send em back to their poke balls. Eventually Ash going to run out of pokemons he can use.

Of course that's considering if Death Battle really wanna go the distance with legendary duelists either. There's a large variety of cards that could be summon. We got a rather interesting variety among the monsters. You also got trap cards that forces several situations to happen. Including flat out removing the opponent's monster out of the duel.

This could be game changing because Ash could use one of his best pokemons. Just when he's about to attempt landing a critical blow. Yugi has plenty of ways to prevent that from happening. There's trap cards that prevents usage of monsters for a little while. You can't do much about the usage of trap cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! either.

There's also effect cards that can dramatically alter things. You got Toon World that transforms monsters into classic cartoon style monsters I'm not kidding. He also can revive a previously killed off monster as well. Which also could be game changing here. There's another effect to turn your dead monster into an undead one.

Now it's true some very powerful monster cards requires additional steps in order to activate. Majority of them are officially banned from Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments in real life for fairness. Even considering the additional steps required to use em. It's safe to say Ash could be lucky to not face em. Although we also gotta consider what would happen if Yugi summons one of these cards.

These cards are ridiculously powerful, Ash lacks a pokemon strong enough to counter any of them. If any of them gets summon, it's game over for Ash!!!

The pharaoh is notably smarter with some abilities he could do outside duels. Such as directly send someone's soul into another dimension, yes he's done this before in the manga. Obviously, Ash lacks any counters to this as well. Even excluding the truly broken Yu-Gi-Oh! cards from this fight. I still think Yugi going to come out as the winner here.

Another factor to consider is usually most pokemon trainers fights with one pokemon at a time. In vice versa, Yugi or the pharaoh could have several monsters on the field at once. Sure, Yu-Gi-Oh! does have some guide lines that technically slows things down a bit for fairness. The way this is going to play out it's going to be surprisingly fast.

I also could argue Yugi would have quicker access to stronger monsters by default. We could consider the possibility Ash decides to use one of his strongest pokemons out the gate. I don't think that would get far with Yugi though. Another huge factor is Yu-Gi-Oh! being more magical in comparison. It more directly plays more on the supernatural than anything else.

Pokemons are essentially creatures fighting each other around the world. By now a lot of franchises in real life ripped off the concept, Digimon is not one of them!!! At their core, anything in these cards do exist a long time ago with a connection to another dimension. Look it's rather complex stuff to get into. The monsters are insanely different in comparison.

The shorter version is every card based on something that surprisingly exists within Yugi's universe. Therefore, experience may not translate from these monsters as they do for pokemons. It doesn't mean Yu-Gi-Oh! aren't worst to face in comparison, you know they are. Yugi simply has plenty of ways to over whelm Ash.

I should also mention yes Yugi and the pharaoh can swap places. In fact, this is essentially how they defeated Maximillion Pegasus. Who had a different millennium artifact. Which allowed him to read his opponent's minds during duels. Basically he was cheating, they called him off on that. Ash won't be used to dealing with an duelist swapping out souls.

As for possible effects either duelists may experience during the duel. It's safe to say Yugi more protected against them than Ash. Either Ash has to wait until the effects stops or get cured. Some cards helps to prevent situations like this from screwing Yugi over in this duel. Both has been attacked by monsters before.

Well it's part of the show's take on the concept that duelists directly take damage to a degree. Sometimes it just happens even trying to interact with wild pokemons. Pokemons being more like animals and insects in real life has very clear limits. In vice versa, any monster summoned during an Yu-Gi-Oh! lacks those aspects to better chances for the duelists to win the duel.

Yes either Yugi or the pharaoh has to announce several moves they're making as well. Ash can't do much against majority of them. Even if we done an even more restricted gladiator duel style. Yugi still likely comes out as the winner. We're talking possibly two monsters each other with a set amount of hit points.

We could argue both had allies on their journeys. They both still gotten plenty of victories on their own. Some could use Yugi relying too much on the pharaoh to win. At the same time, isn't Ash already being more relying on his own pokemons? At least, Yugi isn't going to suddenly beat him up. Like Tai did to Red during Pokemon vs Digimon episode.

Of course, I remembered both of these growing up. I had just roughly a notable amount of interest for both franchises. I kinda respected Yu-Gi-Oh! more at the time. I kinda felt the concept was just more interesting. I truly do understand why this episode had to happen some day on the show. I just felt it won't live up to the hype majority has for it.

Summary of everything above here

To summary my entire argument, Yugi simply has most advantages with some assistance from the pharaoh. The crazier options Yugi or the pharaoh could do during this fight. Along with the two swapping places at times to further throw off Ash. Potentially scarier monsters to face in comparison. The pharaoh having the option to directly send his soul to another dimension.

Despite Ash having more notable duel experience over Yugi. He fails in comparison to the pharaoh. Who has a few thousands years worth of experience. Regular stats wise excluding everything else Yugi wins as well. Obviously we aren't focusing on that for this fight. I still felt like it needed to be mentioned anyway.

Essentially the duo has too much control over this duel. They easily can prevent the worst outcomes. In vice versa, Ash simply lacks counters to many things they could do in this duel. Thankfully this isn't your typical Shonen Jump character or Ash would've loss much worst than this. Any effects on Yugi or the pharaoh can be easily countered as well.

Sure Ash would know which pokemons he's about to summon. In vice versa, he lacks knowledge everything Yugi or the pharaoh throws at him. It would be a complete waste of time for either to know every pokemon Ash has. Especially when they already had this in the bag. Ash can't predict which cards either of them draws from the deck, the combinations are a notably huge.

This alone with the two swapping places could easily over whelm Ash. This is excluding everything else too. A small note to mention is usual battlefield sizes they're used to dueling in. Just by looking at some of those locations. Yugi has notably more to work with than Ash by default. This is where I start to see how truly unfair of a match up turned out to be.

Ash directly says any pokemon's name as he's summoning them. Either Yugi or the pharaoh could do that or not in the case of trap cards. Which had limited options to prevent from activating from duels. Also some turns in Yu-Gi-Oh! allows duelists multiple cards to be used. Which also could be game changing in this duel.

Pokemon duels are mostly one one one pokemon wise. Therefore, Yugi or the pharaoh could have three or more monsters on the battlefield. Obviously Ash not going to know what to do. Throw in some effect cards that transforms them into different variations like toon or undead possibly game changing as well. Hopefully by now you are finally seeing my point on this.

Not to mention, Yu-Gi-Oh! duel rules are more complex. There's no way Ash going to understand them on his own. His pokemons are too depended on his instructions as well. The pharaoh easily the smartest character in this fight. Either way you look at this, Ash vastly screwed no matter what he does. It looks like the Pokemon Master about to become an Yu-Gi-Oh! student.

Winner: Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Monday, October 7, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Hulk (Marvel) vs Godzilla (Godzilla)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, yes we're finally doing this. An fight prediction on the one fight I disliked from Tournament of Champions. Hulk from Marvel returns to face Godzilla whose also returning. I already felt I gotten majority of my thoughts out on it. But I'll try to explain who I think wins this fight. Personally sooner the episode done, the faster we can move on from it.


It's kinda interesting how you view this. "Wait Hulk loses a third time how?" "Are they really doing this!?" "Anything but Godzilla!!!" I could go on but you already get the idea. This is more or less like Martian Manhunter vs Silver Surfer or Deadpool vs Mask. We put an ridiculous character against an even more ridiculous character.

Obviously the more ridiculous character wins!!! Considering this is Hulk's third episode on the show. Second for Godzilla, they have to spice it up a bit. I strongly felt to truly give us the definitive answer. They simply got no choice but to use full composite versions of both characters. Which suddenly opens the doors to some truly ridiculous stuff.

Are you sure this isn't Wile E. Coyote vs Tom Cat in disguise? LOL, Godzilla ultimately gains a lot more from this process. There's so many versions of Godzilla including both Marvel and DC!!! Godzilla held his own against The Avengers as well as Justice League by himself!!! Even Superman you know the same super hero that defeated Goku three times on this show.

He couldn't even handle Godzilla in a fight. The size differences kinda doesn't matter here. What actually does matter though is raw power. It's very common knowledge they're both radioactive powerhouses that usually wins their fights. It's safe to say Hulk would be a tougher opponent than Gamera for Godzilla. Hulk previously loss to both Doomsday and Broly the canon version.

I'm very sure a third time they are going to play on Hulk simply a larger human. Eventually his rage going to run out factor. Your body can only maintain anger for a short period of time before it goes away. This is very bad against the King of the Monsters. They got some striking similarities some of which I learned from Death Battle wiki, thank you!!!

Hulk didn't actually fight The One Below directly. A weird factor allowed him to defeat The One Above All aka Marvel's God. In a particular Godzilla comic series, you likely know the one I'm about to reference. He defeats both God and the devil I really wish I was kidding. Godzilla defeated both of them mostly by himself is virtually mind blowing!!!

It's also important to point out both characters has ridiculous regeneration. Which means it very difficult to even harm em. Both these characters been around several decades with plenty of combat experience. Godzilla gotten introduced to the world first in 1954. Hulk originally debut in Marvel comics 1962. A rather popular year for Marvel no doubt.

It's kinda debatable who should get the combat experience here. You could argue this or that among hours if you really wanted to. Let's just say virtually a tie to prevent arguments. Sadly covering everything else isn't going to go as smooth. Strength wise well it's kinda obvious. Yes Hulk lifted some rather impressive things including a particular mountain by himself.

Godzilla is a giant monster or kaiju in Japan if you wanna be technical about it. You can bet Godzilla got plenty of strength feats that shouldn't even been possible. Somehow Godzilla pulls em off with ease for the most part. Durability is almost a tie except for one major problem. Assuming Godzilla fights Hulk long enough for him to stop feeling anger as well as similar emotions.

Eventually Hulk's regeneration going to slow down or if he transforms back to Dr. Banner. Well you know what that means Godzilla wins. There's several ridiculous examples of Godzilla surviving stuff meant to kill him off. Hell Mechagodzilla exists after all, it's designed to destroy him. We even had a weird space variation of him, SpaceGodzilla still couldn't kill him.

Even beings like Destoroyah couldn't do it. Whose also got a huge fight request for the show too. We still haven't talked what else could be given to either character. If they got a full composite route. There's a classic Godzilla cartoon, yes he has toon force to a degree. You know versus debaters love toon force (sarcasm).

The stats wise ultimately favors Godzilla more since a lot of things with Hulk. I'll just come right out with it, notably weaker versions of the character. Which isn't great when your opponent going to get up scaled by several versions of themselves. Obviously playing more into the strength category. Godzilla could also win the other stats too.

Again we got an American comic book character against an Japanese giant movie monster after all. Godzilla has a mind blowing speed feat Hulk doesn't even begin to compete with. It's so ridiculous just trying to understand the actual numbers could make your mind explode. Basically composite versions included, Hulk too slow.

Godzilla also has his signature Atomic Breath. Which destroyed a lot of monsters. It's true some needed more than one blast. This attack packs more force than the strongest recorded form of Hulk!!! Also Godzilla has a weird flight move too. Hulk jumping isn't going to get him far here. Not because of Godzilla's flight move either.

If it isn't already incredibly obvious by now. Godzilla has a tail, he simply whacks him with his tail. Not only that Hulk can't absorb Godzilla's radiation either. It was stated to be exclusive to Gamma radiation. Which means only Gamma radiation Hulk can absorb. This is important because it doesn't matter which form of radiation Godzilla can absorb.

This is another weird way for Hulk to run out of energy during a fight. Just being near Godzilla starts to rob him of a fighting chance. Godzilla is simply too ridiculous to be on Death Battle. Oh wait people gave them enough money to do it on their show. I will try to summary my entire argument. Godzilla trumps in majority of stats.

He also would gain more from a full composite version of this fight. Godzilla absorbing Hulk's radiation possibly faster than the rate he's piss off. As many people knows the angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger he becomes thing. Hulk would constantly struggle trying to keep on fighting the longer it goes on.

Godzilla easily going to out last Hulk no matter what he does. Godzilla's tail easily counters several moves Hulk could do including jumping. Hulk is a truly impressive super hero in his own right. He's simply facing a truly ridiculous giant monster he virtually has no chance winning against. Even his best opportunity likely never going to happen due to the rate Godzilla absorbs radiation.

In vice versa, Hulk can only exclusively absorb Gamma radiation. This greatly limits everything Hulk could do in this fight. This is exactly why I heavily dislike this match up so much. On paper, it sounds like a great fight idea. But very quickly it turns out to be a terrible stomp. Godzilla is essentially like a thousand Hulks rolled into one.

You know it's upsetting when one of my absolute favorite Marvel super heroes can't even get a win on this show. I'm a huge Hulk fan, I simply couldn't over look Godzilla's ridiculousness. This is likely going to be among my least favorite episodes to date. It simply felt like a giant bandage, I just gotta rip it off!!!

Winner: Godzilla (Godzilla)

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Kyle Rayner (DC) vs Simon the Digger (Gurren Lagann)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, now here's a fight I'm very happy got into the lineup on the web show. It previously loss a poll to Discord vs Bill Cipher. I'm talking about Kyle Rayner vs Simon the Digger. Originally in the poll, Rayner would've been an green lantern. We previously had Hal Jordan as one in an episode.

They chosen to do even further with Kyle being an white lantern. Therefore, we're now in for a truly epic showdown. This could be among the most ambitious episodes they're currently doing next year. I am very hype for this upcoming episode. This is going to be a mind blowing episode. The animation alone is already enough reason to go see the actual episode.

Kyle Rayner

I know more DB viewers will be surprise to learn how Simon the Digger loses. Both these amazing characters has truly insane amount of willpower. Simon uses a drill device to powered an unique machine. Rayner uses an white lantern ring capable of anything he can think of. I would say the way better Green Lantern vs Ben 10 fight.

There's several major differences that ultimately led to me going with Rayner in this fight. Simon for more powerful forms required more people and machines to simply maintain them. Not to mention, the composite willpower required to make that possible. In comparison, Rayner possibly has enough willpower to rival that.

There was a time, he had to absorb all remaining energy of the Green Lantern corps. This is important because every lantern corps' energy purely made out of those particular emotions. In this case, we're talking pure insane amount of willpower. Now add in he also mastered every lantern corp ring there is. Well that's exactly how he became an white lantern in the first place.

Therefore, he could handle facing Simon's insane composite willpower. It also doesn't help an white lantern uses the power of life itself as a weapon. The white lanterns are among the most powerful lantern corps. Every lantern corp member can use their imagine with their respective emotions. This by itself is simply too much for Simon.

Let me explain Kyle very easily can go offensive, defensive or both at the same exact time. Simon lacks more defense being a more offensive fighter. People still don't understand how truly ridiculous these lantern corp members are. Green lanterns can survive being erased with an universe, yes this is a thing. Kyle simply has plenty of ways to win.

Even considering all the multiverse Simons rolled into one factor. Well scaling involved several big name members done truly mind blowing stuff. Removing scaling still doesn't prevent Kyle winning this fight. Despite being an white lantern a short period. The stuff Kyle could do was essentially reality warping.

This also means if Simon had the stats advantage or any critical ones altogether. Kyle can simply alter things to simply nope that. A more direct way of saying this, The Anti-Spiral would lose solo to Rayner. Considering how insanely powerful that being is. Whose also gotten a huge fight request against Anti-Monitor.

Another fight I previously covered within my Death Battle Fight Prediction blog series. Yeah Simon should be digging or drilling into his own grave. Even removing reality warper from Rayner. His white lantern ring is the most broken weapon in this entire fight. Sure like most lantern corp rings, there's a limited amount of energy.

At the same time, a worthy wielder can truly do the impossible with them. Now I know what some Gurren Lagann fans could be thinking. "Doesn't Simon do the impossible?" Well yes to a degree with notable limitations. We could also argue Rayner as an white lantern might not have any real limits at all. Rayner can do almost everything you can think of just with an ring!!!

Yes he has some famous kaiju he can recreate including wow Gurren Lagann!!! Who knew Rayner was a Simon the Digger fan? This is actually vastly different from similar matches they done. Including the recent Omni-Man vs Bardock, I called it!!! We have a character with limits against another with a questionable limit or none at all.

Simon also needs a lot of people to be on the same page as him while using their composite willpower. Which is going to be very difficult to do against Rayner. Just destroying some connected machines limits Gurren Lagann's overall potential. Another more direct way to view is he simply needs more people and machines to increase his chances in this fight.

In vice versa, Rayner already at his strongest by default. We have a character constantly pushing through limits against another who essentially mastered said limits. Not to suddenly make this Omni-Man vs Bardock again. It's virtually the same situation with one character gotta keep transforming. Ultimately it just isn't enough to win.

Simon going to likely burn out of willpower first. Also considering how straight forward his fighting style is. I highly doubt he's getting far with Rayner here. Simon rushing in could be the very mistake that kills him in this fight. I'm not saying he isn't bright, he was a leader at a time after all. He even gave people underneath the surface hope they never thought was remotely possible in the first place.

Rayner is in all honestly too broken of a character to lose. It kinda rivals Marvel's Silver Surfer to a degree. Possibly greater level of ridiculousness which is really saying a lot here lol. Rayner is just one very capable person taking on an army working together to defeat such powerful beings. It's very clear cut Rayner simply on a totally different level from Simon the Digger.

I do like both these characters a lot. I actually need to see more stuff with Rayner in myself. Gurren Lagann is among my favorite mech anime ever!!! It also doesn't help despite how obvious this next point is. Rayner simply has more notable overall experience than Simon. Not only that, it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to just design any lantern ring.

I am not kidding an lantern ring made out of an incredibly durable metal. There's a small list that could damage an ring. Even fewer capable of destroying em. Obviously, even if I were to give Simon his most powerful canon form. It's still surprisingly not enough force to even put a scratch on that ring. Who knew rings could be that scary?

Simon would need to force the ring from Rayner's hand then quickly take him out. However most lantern corp members learned techniques to prevent such tactics. Also being an white lantern, he's guarantee to get that ring back too. Simon would need to make Rayner's hands incapable of using the white lantern ring. Which isn't going to be possible to do here.

As stated before, lantern members can easily protect themselves. They also can cut notable distance in space as well as other plains of existence to a degree. Which also means if Gurren Lagann were to be faster, Rayner can easily counter that too. Often they use barriers to safely travel through space. Barriers are also used during combat while an experience lantern member.

Actually capable of quickly swapping out strategies in a short period of time. This alone would throw Simon off during this fight. You got to realize Rayner can do almost everything he wants. No matter how ridiculous it actually is using energy from his white lantern ring. There's no way Simon going to adapt to how quickly Rayner changes strategies during this fight.

Now for fun we could've given Simon his most powerful non canon form. You know the insanely large head with everything else not visible form? Which is obviously more powerful than the Anti-Spiral. He's an multiversal threat after all. Scaling to other famous lantern members or not, Kyle still tops that. You got to realize DC comics been around a very long time.

Rayner been around surprisingly for thirty years. Maybe thirty one years by the time of the episode. Which further bags the question how does most DB viewers not know him? Despite all these episodes with DC comic characters no less. Rayner just sadly under the radar from most popular shows and movies he's in.

Therefore, you had to seen any of those to know who he is or you likely won't. But majority of them knows Gurren Lagann quite well. It was also clear I had to make a point on that. Sometimes the lesser known character wins on this show. It probably happened more times than you even begin to realize. Simon simply lacks a solid way to win.

In vice versa, Rayner could win at any given time he wants. This is less fair than Omni-Man vs Bardock surprisingly enough. Technically Goku vs Superman better than this just not by much. Simon has a lot going against him in this fight. Especially when you're facing someone like Rayner. Who could rival people like Hal Jordan!!!

Hal Jordan is another truly ridiculous green lantern character. Another notable factor is Simon mostly fights on one planet. But Rayner fights on many planets as well as several plains of existence too. This also means Rayner would adapt to more situations on the fly at a much faster rate. I hate to say this, Simon is screwed.

Yes I been waiting the entire time just to say that lol. Rayner simply has too much over him in this fight. Plus reality warping alone virtually guarantees victory. An white lantern ring capable of anything the wielder thinks of truly game changing stuff. His insane feats with mind blowing determination. Rayner is virtually a god among men, it shows.

Winner: Kyle Rayner (DC)