Popeye's Revenge (2025)
Popeye's Revenge heavily borrows from The Fog, Friday the 13th and Hatchet series. Except the killer being Popeye. The movie starts with horribly animated intro. Late into the movie the stories along with this intro was revealed to be a huge lie. We already starting with a huge red flag. You see a small crew get taken out by Popeye.
Not long following that a group of young adults comes to the location. This quickly reminding me of Leprechaun Returns in an sense. Coughs a much better horror movie. Obviously horror movies has some amazingly bad written characters. I will give some credit to a degree. There's a few characters I did like somewhat.
I did like most of the kills in this movie. Popeye is virtually Jason Voorhees/Victor Crowley rip off. The Fog so happens to be connected to him. The Fog Remake is better than this. The Fog classic is way better than this. The second Silent Hill movie technically better than this as well. Even Clownado that has clowns connected to a tornado better.
We have this guy who doesn't care about relationships at all. Two girls were into him before both cut ties with em. I should point there's two killers in the movie. Along with Popeye whose actually named Johnny I didn't write that. He has a sister named Olive. If you're confused then good you already see a questionable decision.
Also whose idea was it to named the film's Popeye Johnny? We all know it's Popeye just call him Popeye that's all you had to do!!! I wouldn't afraid of a huge buff guy named Johnny. Hell Johnny Bravo exists that's a good reason not to take it seriously. It's almost like a cheap joke by calling him Johnny doesn't work at all.
Olive was Popeye's love interest. Thankfully they didn't play off those feelings. Otherwise things would've been quite weird. It also was revealed the main heroine previously saved Popeye's life. Of course, she didn't remember anything prior. The story is a bit of a mess even for a low budget movie.
If you are just here to watch Popeye kill people. I can tell you Popeye doesn't disappoint. Some of the kills rivals what was shown in Popeye the Slayer Man trailer. There's only full sex scene that's it. Which might've ripped of a particular sex scene from Halloween: Resurrection. Which also involved an camera used to a degree.
There really isn't much originality in this movie. It's not what I would call an mockbuster. Yes I have seen some famous mockbuster films. I can confirm Popeye's Revenge is better than those. Popeye is partly burnt but not Freddy level burnt either. He barely says anything but an woman's name the entire movie.
I kinda wish they didn't have him say her name. There's just something menacing about a huge buff guy taking people out that doesn't speak. A brief moment of him calling her name ruined that in an instant for me. I did like his main weapon of choice is an anchor. I will give them some credit that's a good, fitting choice.
You can tell they had to get their Popeye horror movie out before the other two similar films. The acting is what you expect for a low budget horror movie. The gore is still a huge high light. You get this house near by a lake. We do see an opened can of spinach. If it had the label they could've gotten sue over that.
Yes Popeye himself is in the public domain. However copy rights for a real life company using the character as a mascot for their canned spinach isn't. Don't expect this to be any form of faithful to the source material. In all honestly, this is a rather loose adaptation of the character. It's 50/50 if I could recommend this or not.
I could say they did more with the character than The Mean One. I also liked they given Popeye a different look from the usual thinner appearance we're so familiar with. Yes Popeye does have a pipe as well. He lifts a car with an woman inside quite easily. Yes the killers dies at the end of the movie.
Popeye gets a more brutal death than expected. His sister gets burnt alive with horrible fire CGI special effects. It's one of those horror movies where an older person hide the truth. What really happened to the killer. Story wise this isn't going to win an Oscar lol. You currently can watch this on Amazon.
I originally expected through Tubi. Which has a lot of low budget horror movies there. Popeye's Revenge is true to it's name. There's plenty of terribly written moments. Removing an handful would've made the film better. Honestly, it's not that bad being the first of many Popeye horror movies.
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