Thursday, February 27, 2025

Triple Late 2024 Movie reviews

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, last night I decided to watch three of my most wanted to see 2024 movies. All of them were later half of last year that ended up being worth the wait. I never planned a full on negative review. I really enjoyed watching all three movies for the first time right after each other.

Now the order I'll be reviewing them. The order they came to theaters in the United States. Even if I went with alternative overseas date the order doesn't change. I really got a lot to discuss with these movies. So far going to be among my favorite blog entries I ever written. If you're a fan of some these movies you're welcome to read my reviews.

1. Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

Thank you so much Ryan Reynolds to sticking to your guns. Reynolds fought hard to prevent Disney from ruining the movie. This is exactly why it isn't like most newer MCU content. This technically a weird usage of a legacy sequel. It's a sequel to the first two Deadpool movies. Which are part of the Fox X-Men movie franchise.

At the same time, aspects were pulled into Marvel Cinematic Universe. In a way it rebooted Deadpool to a degree. The actual movie strikingly similar to Loki show. Which both of those reminds me of DC's Legends of Tomorrow to a point. I was so happy Reynolds and Jackman reprised their roles.

I strongly felt this is the best Deadpool movie yet. As ambitious it was that easily could've become a disaster. Somehow Reynolds found a way to make such a crazy story work. For an two hour movie it's very great stuff. None of it felt a little too long. In fact, I still kinda wanted more.

I haven't been this happy watching an MCU movie in awhile. Surprising fan service with some movie versions of characters. They even done a concept of a character for an canned X-Men spin off movie in this. Now seeing Wesley Snipes as Blade I was hyped. Of course I always enjoyed Blade movies.

Funny enough Snipes reprised that role broken the long playing an character record Jackman had. Despite Jackman played Wolverine a lot more times over the years. I have a lot of respect for both actors. Just seeing Blade return in a rather unexpected way works wonders. Indirectly it's adding salt to Blade movie that's been stuck in development hell I don't care lol.

The movie was in all honestly truly amazing stuff. So many characters with none of them flat out wasted. Not only that, most of the jokes hit rather than missed. This is currently among my favorite Marvel movies ever!!! This is one huge party you never wanna leave. I can't even criticize it at all.

Even if I had any notable criticisms they'll be quite small. This is a movie that truly lived up to the insane hype. It simply came off like the greatest thing MCU ever done in a long time. I am deeply impressed how well all of it was done. Considering how great the first two Deadpool movies are.

My expectations for this were quite high. I even had an neighbor that kept asking if I seen the movie yet. Well pal I just did, I absolutely loved it!!! Wolverine was done amazingly well. By now most of the world knows this version of the character has an costume. Late into the movie to see the full outfit was quite done incredibly well.

It seems Disney doesn't properly know how to go about the multiverse concept. Also some stuff Reynolds said about them being very on the money. I'm glad he went the extra mile to make a movie the world wanted rather than simply ruin things how Disney been doing recently. You can tell these Deadpool movies meant the absolute world to him.

I did like Deadpool kills Deadpool inspiration as well. Now doing stuff like this is exactly what Disney should've been doing. Not allowing stuff with questionable ideas to happen. They put an Iron Man enemy against Ant-Man in a movie. Whose done amazingly terrible from what I seen. I'm not fully looking forward to MCU's future at this point.

This really felt like if I could've done an MCU movie. It virtually would've been this in a nut shell. This could end up as the last truly decent MCU movie. If that ends up being the case. Then I'm glad I seen this before leaving MCU as a whole behind. This was well worth the wait to see.

They went surprisingly big for this movie. Almost an Avengers parody style that instantly worked. The movie was so filled with surprises you'll never lose interest in it. There's no question I highly recommend this movie. You simply aren't living until you seen this. I hope Reynolds maintains control over any MCU projects he's involved in.

2. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)

This is one of those movies you kept hearing stuff about for years. Like Hocus Pocus 2 to a degree. I will say I did enjoy the movie a lot. This actually felt like an Tim Burton movie. I was happy to see the older cast reprised their roles. This was a legacy sequel that worked wonders. It may not be the greatest sequel in history.

I still say it's a good follow up to the original Beetlejuice even considering the huge time gap. I was very excited to see Michael Keaton to play Beetlejuice again. Jenna Ortega previously was Wednesday in Wednesday show that also involves Tim Burton. Ortega been getting some great roles over the years.

I loved Danny DeVito appears in the movie. One of the older actors in some of my favorite Tim Burton movies. Batman Returns and Mars Attacks! respectively. The story I confessed is a bit of a mess with everything considering. Technically speaking there's several antagonists in the story. None of them win in the end.

I did like some of the special effects. Some might be mixed on people getting sucked into cell phones. Personally I felt as creepy it appeared I liked how it was done. We see an dead women put herself back together. I also liked we see a lot of the afterlife. I wasn't upset the couple ghosts aren't in the movie.

In all honestly with controversiality, Alec Baldwin not coming out a good thing. Same with Jeffrey Jones over his sex history stuff. Although other actors played his deceased character in the movie. I was surprised by the animation used to explained how the character died. The short version is the family getting manipulated but ultimately wins out in the end.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice could be lining up for a sequel called Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Some of the people involved wanted to another one already. I kinda hope they do a joke to not fully allowed the third Beetlejuice in the title. Suddenly it's playing off don't say his name three times.

I felt some moments like Lydia's mom getting bitten by poisonous snakes. Obviously she isn't a snake expert. I would've had an expert come in to check that before allowing the ritual. It's not a surprise Lydia gotten a show. Suddenly it reminds me of Peter Vincent on Fright Night series. It's becoming a forgotten horror movie trend.

I also liked Beetlejuice's number 1 guy named Bob. I mentally couldn't stop thinking of Bob from Batman 1989 film. I pretend they're the same character that ultimately dies in both films. I almost wanted to see Beetlejuice convince Bob like The Joker did in that Batman movie. You know the now famous, "Bob!!! you are my number #1 guy!!!"

I loved an deceased actor gets to give orders to deceased police officers. Simply going by the trailers, I thought I wasn't going to like Willem Dafoe's character. I actually ended up loving this character a lot. I simply wanted more of him in the actual movie. I always respected Dafoe's performances in movies I seen.

Beetlejuice's ex wife suddenly late into the movie became it's just there thing. I expected a bigger confrontation than we ended up getting. If you gotten that point in the movie. You knew things had to end with Beetlejuice. Which I didn't mind the slightest honestly. I do have one huge criticism though.

I took some time thinking about this. A large amount of the movie strikingly similar to another Tim Burton movie. Corpse Bride if you lined up several aspects. Except Corpse Bride was notably done better. Not to mention, the singing just lined up better as well. It does still felt like an Beetlejuice movie.

I just can't shake the realization it could've been seen as not a great remake of Corpse Bride. I did like how Beetlejuice himself used to a degree. My favorite special effect is people suddenly becoming meat bags without bones from having their souls sucked out. The ending of the movie is suddenly like the original Beetlejuice again.

I figured I may also bring in another similar movie from the 90s I recalled from my childhood. Monkeybone was the closest the 90s gotten to another Beetlejuice film. I absolutely felt Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is better than that movie. Monkeybone is simply a movie too weird for it's time.

Let's put it this way sure story wise Monkeybone connected everything together back. But it still wasn't that great of a movie. No disrespect towards Brandon Fraser either. He simply done what he could've with what's given to him. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is just the right level of weirdness. Not only that the characters are more rememberable to a degree.

I do like how they respected the original film. It may not lived up to my expectations. It wasn't a major disappointment either. A few major changes could've gotten a long way. Even the cartoon show was simply done better. Despite things, it's still a great movie for what it is. It's a little above mid ranking among Tim Burton movies.

I have no trouble recommending it especially to other Tim Burton fans. In all honestly, it just wasn't quite it's own thing. Hocus Pocus 2 was clearly doing the opposite. Where the same three witches terrorizes a new group of characters. One of which ended up becoming an witch. The movie done just enough to differ itself from the original.

I'm happy Tim is back doing his work they way he was doing before his Disney years. Danny Elfman involved with the music is very welcome indeed. Despite some moments feeling either just there or forced altogether. I still found plenty of enjoyment with the movie. I personally wanna see more Keaton playing Beetlejuice soon.

3. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)

I knew eventually I had to talk about this Sonic movie. I know I don't need to explain it's a sequel to Sonic 2. The chemistry among the characters is done in a way I can't explain. It simply works insanely well even with newer characters. This is heavily based on Sonic Adventure 2. By now there exists several versions of the same story.

In a post credit scene of Sonic 2, we're given a brief look at Shadow the Hedgehog. Whose always been my favorite Sonic character. When I heard Keanu Reeves voicing the character in this. I was beyond hyped to see what he brings to the character. I can confirm he really nailed the character perfectly.

They changed how Maria died from most versions. I also gotta give Jim Carrey respect. He's playing two Robotniks in the same movie. They even made an 4th wall joke about that. From start to finish the story was told amazingly well. The special effects absolutely amazing stuff. The audio is done just right for the movie.

Carrey previously on In Living Color and Saturday Night Live to a degree. Where he played many characters on those shows. At one point SNL had a lot of people playing many characters Carrey previously done. The way Carrey pulled off both Robotniks sorta felt like that to me. I think everyone agrees Carrey given an impressive performance between two characters.

I loved how they referenced Chao Garden. From Sonic Adventure series, there's a section you take care of these cute small creatures. The way they delivered such an reference couldn't work any better than better. You can tell the team working on this Sonic movie had a lot of fun making it.

The big twist is Professor Robotnik not his grandson the true antagonist of the movie. Personally the fact they went for such an idea I'm going to praise the hell out of that. It was quite a bold move to make. Some of my favorite moments were late into the movie funny enough.

I knew I was going to enjoy this Sonic movie. Sonic Adventure 2 still among my favorite Sonic games. They somehow made the story more interesting than expected. Sonic really goes through emotions this time around. I do like Knuckles is involved with stuff. Way better than Sonic Boom version of the character for that matter.

You can tell slight changes to the character's designs. Just the right amount to not ruin anything. Somehow they looked even better than ever before. The ending portion of the movie beautifully done. Very faithful to the Sonic game it's based on. Don't expect this to end like the first two Sonic movies.

Considering all the risks this Sonic movie really paid off big time. They knew they were going epic with just enough emotionally moments. It may not be your Sonic movie for those reasons. I can say there's still plenty to like about the actual film. Some rather impressive animation even with CGI to a degree.

They went for a more emotionally driven story. They obviously took some risks that ultimately paid off. When I heard Live & Learn playing, I was very hyped. I absolutely loved that Sonic song despite they're now getting sued over that usage of the song. Post credit scene has a lot of Metal Sonics with a cameo from Amy.

I felt the next Sonic movie could possibly been based somewhat by Sonic Heroes. I guess time will tell to see how on the money I am. Sonic 3 is a great Sonic movie that's better than the original Sonic movie to a degree. Just not quite as well done as Sonic 2 for me. I still highly recommend this Sonic movie though.


I just want to confirm none of these movies are bad. Although I can understand how people's taste differs to a degree.

3. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
2. Sonic the Hedgehog 3
1. Deadpool & Wolverine


I do mostly highly recommend all three movies from last year. I figured to treat myself to watching em after months waiting to do so. By now all of them are on different streaming services. I ended up being quite happy after watching all three movies right after each other. I haven't had a movie marathon that great in a very long time honestly.

I virtually knew Deadpool & Wolverine going to be the best among them. Despite knowing some spoilers I mostly went straight in not fully everything. I still ended up quite satisfied what I just watched. I may reconsider doing this concept again with 2025 movies we'll see. I also hope my thoughts explains exactly how I felt about em.

Just imagine trying to say a rough fracture of this within a short video. Simply fails to deliver the entire point I'm trying to do here. I was very surprised by all three movies. At their core, they absolutely delivered. Even Beetlejuice Beetlejuice technically being the worst. In all honestly isn't that bad of a film either.

To me it simply felt a few major changes could've deeply impacted the movie. Especially when the other two movies story wise felt more properly connected. Like everything going on actually matters in comparison. Simply another decision why it's gotten the bottom in my ranking. I still wanna say it's nice having the franchise back after all these years.

It sorta comes off as a required taste or being in the right mindset to enjoy more. The other two movies felt like huge parties I don't wanna ever leave. You can see the fan service all of them brings to the table. Legacy sequels is becoming more popular thanks to Cobra Kai show among a few other movies.

I also tried to keep things as close to spoiler free as possible. Which suddenly made this even more challenging. I can say a rather fun, unique challenge at that. Deadpool & Wolverine is simply too great of a film. Obviously that's going to get my highest recommendations. I still say please give Sonic 3 a chance you may like some aspects of the film.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

A few quick announcements

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I been a little busier with moderating on Twitch. It doesn't mean I wasn't planning stuff in advance. I may have a few reviews on the way. Some other ideas I might end up doing here as well. Honestly, I am trying to keep stuff going slowly. I don't wanna burn out too fast as well.

1. Upcoming three way Death Battle prediction blog

Originally I was going to do The Nerd vs Simon Quest vs The Toxic Avenger. Two of which pulled from more recent licensed games. All three are upcoming games published by Retroware. Due to uncertain when those comes out. I decided to put that idea on hold. I already found an replacement that's going to happen no matter what this year.

Not long ago I was talking about three horror Popeye movies. I figured why not put those Popeyes against each other? It's an unexpected horror idea that could be some fun to do. It's not Jack Frost vs Gingerdead Man stomp either. They won't be broken like the classic version of the character. I already think it's better than trying to do a slightly bigger variation of the concept with horror Mickey Mouse characters.

I simply felt this will be more balanced. Which covering any three way fights is tricky. Just one character being too strong ruins the entire process. I know it's a bit silly to actually do this. How often do we see stuff like this? Possibly becoming more common with more characters going into the public domain. For me, I like the concept of three Popeyes facing each other in a rather brutal showdown.

2. Three in one most wanted to see 2024 movies review blog

1. Sonic 3
2. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
3. Deadpool & Wolverine

I held off watching three particular movies I really wanted to watch last year. Deadpool and Wolverine which might end up as the last MCU movie I'm excited for long story. Sonic 3 being a huge Sonic fan is a must. I still haven't seen Knuckles show either. Which likely get it's own review blog eventually. Of course Beetlejuice Beetlejuice a huge one as well.

All of them are sequel movies I heard great stuff about to a degree. I may watch them in the near future. Then review them all together following the last of those movies. I really got a lot to say I easily could've done a long review blog with just one of them. Considering the recent lack of posts it'll feel like three in one review blog.

I always enjoyed the original Beetlejuice movie with a huge passion. Still among my favorite Tim Burton movies ever!!! Deadpool & Wolverine is a weird canon sequel. It's strikingly similar to Loki show that's virtually doing a similar concept. Officially brought both characters into Marvel Cinematic Universe. I have an neighbor that kept asking a lot if I seen the movie.

It's possible this could be my best blog of 2025 or at least the most passion felt entry by far. I just can't get such emotions fully from videos. I meant in terms of making videos to writing up blogs. Here you get a much more clear idea how I view things. I really wanna do this ambitious review blog. No guarantee I do it with 2025 movies though.

3. Two upcoming horror Popeye movie reviews

Popeye the Slayer Man officially coming March 21st. Shiver Me Timbers will be out on April 1st. I know such a short gap to watch all three horror Popeye movies. I guess I find this strangely interesting. Obviously more of them going to be on the way. There's just something about the original three horror Popeye movies that started the trend.

4. More game reviews

I will try to get more game reviews out soon. I got plenty of games to choose from. I just don't wanna take forever to review one game or an compilation game for that matter. I also try to keep things interesting to a degree. On the side I confess to also playing some flash games. Most of which getting rereleased in compilation games.

I know we're approaching the point of video games getting too expensive. Where do we draw the line exactly? Thankfully there's still plenty of cheaper games that's out doing a lot of the more expensive games. I just want to confirm my blog isn't dead. Just more been on hold with moderating Twitch to a degree.

5. Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War (2022-2025) review

Currently I need to watch what's technically Season 3. There's one more final season on the way. I will say as close to the bare minimum I can about it. I do recall the huge demand to animate the final arc of the Bleach manga. I was very surprised it actually ended up happening. I'm still a huge Bleach fan for a long time.

I can promise to watch all the sequel Bleach show. Before I officially review it as fair and unbiased as possible. This may start up a new anime trend many franchises jumps on. In all honestly, it's just nice to see Bleach back in some form. There's new Hell chapters coming as well. I am curious to see all the cut stuff from the manga version added in as well.


Plans could change without warning. But these are currently the most set in stone concepts I got. I'm slowly going to start writing back up on here soon. There's always something to discuss. One day imagine horror Bugs Bunny movies. I hope I live long enough to see that happen lol. Hell I would love the opportunity to make my own horror Bugs Bunny movie.

Honestly I felt I can take my time writing than making videos. A lot less stress off my shoulders. I rather blog for the rest of my life at this point. I may also welcome some suggestions to what to cover as well. I always seeking to bring more readers in some way. I just wanted to keep this fun as well as interesting.

Even with a lot of similar theme blogs can get old from time to time. Game reviews can easily differ from each other though. Same with movie reviews to a degree. I'm always seeking to watch more stuff. I simply want to keep things simple when they need to be. If complex I'll try to simplify things to the best of my abilities.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Popeye's Revenge (2025)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, a couple days ago. The first Popeye horror movie came out. I already discussed my thoughts on the trailer. Now I'm back to review the movie. I don't plan to review every Popeye horror movie ever. Just the first three that jump started that trend. Popeye's Revenge in all honestly an alright movie.

Popeye's Revenge (2025)

Popeye's Revenge heavily borrows from The Fog, Friday the 13th and Hatchet series. Except the killer being Popeye. The movie starts with horribly animated intro. Late into the movie the stories along with this intro was revealed to be a huge lie. We already starting with a huge red flag. You see a small crew get taken out by Popeye.

Not long following that a group of young adults comes to the location. This quickly reminding me of Leprechaun Returns in an sense. Coughs a much better horror movie. Obviously horror movies has some amazingly bad written characters. I will give some credit to a degree. There's a few characters I did like somewhat.

I did like most of the kills in this movie. Popeye is virtually Jason Voorhees/Victor Crowley rip off. The Fog so happens to be connected to him. The Fog Remake is better than this. The Fog classic is way better than this. The second Silent Hill movie technically better than this as well. Even Clownado that has clowns connected to a tornado better.

We have this guy who doesn't care about relationships at all. Two girls were into him before both cut ties with em. I should point there's two killers in the movie. Along with Popeye whose actually named Johnny I didn't write that. He has a sister named Olive. If you're confused then good you already see a questionable decision.

Also whose idea was it to named the film's Popeye Johnny? We all know it's Popeye just call him Popeye that's all you had to do!!! I wouldn't afraid of a huge buff guy named Johnny. Hell Johnny Bravo exists that's a good reason not to take it seriously. It's almost like a cheap joke by calling him Johnny doesn't work at all.

Olive was Popeye's love interest. Thankfully they didn't play off those feelings. Otherwise things would've been quite weird. It also was revealed the main heroine previously saved Popeye's life. Of course, she didn't remember anything prior. The story is a bit of a mess even for a low budget movie.

If you are just here to watch Popeye kill people. I can tell you Popeye doesn't disappoint. Some of the kills rivals what was shown in Popeye the Slayer Man trailer. There's only full sex scene that's it. Which might've ripped of a particular sex scene from Halloween: Resurrection. Which also involved an camera used to a degree.

There really isn't much originality in this movie. It's not what I would call an mockbuster. Yes I have seen some famous mockbuster films. I can confirm Popeye's Revenge is better than those. Popeye is partly burnt but not Freddy level burnt either. He barely says anything but an woman's name the entire movie.

I kinda wish they didn't have him say her name. There's just something menacing about a huge buff guy taking people out that doesn't speak. A brief moment of him calling her name ruined that in an instant for me. I did like his main weapon of choice is an anchor. I will give them some credit that's a good, fitting choice.

You can tell they had to get their Popeye horror movie out before the other two similar films. The acting is what you expect for a low budget horror movie. The gore is still a huge high light. You get this house near by a lake. We do see an opened can of spinach. If it had the label they could've gotten sue over that.

Yes Popeye himself is in the public domain. However copy rights for a real life company using the character as a mascot for their canned spinach isn't. Don't expect this to be any form of faithful to the source material. In all honestly, this is a rather loose adaptation of the character. It's 50/50 if I could recommend this or not.

I could say they did more with the character than The Mean One. I also liked they given Popeye a different look from the usual thinner appearance we're so familiar with. Yes Popeye does have a pipe as well. He lifts a car with an woman inside quite easily. Yes the killers dies at the end of the movie.

Popeye gets a more brutal death than expected. His sister gets burnt alive with horrible fire CGI special effects. It's one of those horror movies where an older person hide the truth. What really happened to the killer. Story wise this isn't going to win an Oscar lol. You currently can watch this on Amazon.

I originally expected through Tubi. Which has a lot of low budget horror movies there. Popeye's Revenge is true to it's name. There's plenty of terribly written moments. Removing an handful would've made the film better. Honestly, it's not that bad being the first of many Popeye horror movies.

Friday, February 14, 2025

My thoughts on "We’re Here” Big Game Spot I Instacart commercial

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, it's been nearly a week since the recent Super Bowl. Personally I'm not a football fan. Although I did vote for Abduction Doritos commercial. Which ended up winning the contest great work guys. There's a particular crossover Super Bowl commercial I gotta talk about. This caught me off guard since I first saw it the day after the Super Bowl online.

"We're Here" Big Game Spot I Instacart commercial (2025)

In recent years people are getting more behind crossovers. Largely due to Marvel Cinematic Universe. This has to be among the strangest commercials of the year I seen. It starts with Puppy Monkey Baby oh god. A particular commercial with that thing I never forgotten. Chester Cheetah starts the mad dash so many characters moving towards a family's house.

Up to seeing Mr. Clean, Energizer Bunny and The Man Your Man Could Smell Like showing up. Prior to those characters showing up I was thinking this had to be a food commercial. Which it technically is later revealed in the same commercial. The big twist is an mom used Instacart to get groceries. All of a sudden all these characters showing up makes sense.

I don't know how many endings there are. I actually seen two cameo character endings. The original ending I saw had the Quaker mascot. The cow ending I recently saw last night. It's a little weird those characters were treated like that instead of being with the rest of the character. You still haven't heard the craziest part yet.

According to a video on YouTube, Instacart made a deal with those companies. In order to use those characters in the commercial. In other words, those companies simply gave em permission. They didn't earn anything else is mind blowing to me. I guess if a law suit suddenly doesn't come up it's true. There's a lot of Hot Dog dogs right after Chester Cheetah gets things going.

Even the Green Giant shows up in this. It's rather ambitious to make a commercial not a long one with so many characters. I'm not saying it's the best Super Bowl commercial ever by any means. I will say it's among the most interesting I ever seen. Personally an Dr. Evil commercial was way better. Just imagine kids around the world seen this world.

You kinda wonder what exactly did they think of that commercial? Stuff like this is quite rare even now. Treasure the memories before you lose the best memories forever. It's better than the famous Walmart Grinch commercial. It's not a huge mess of a commercial but a rather fun idea. Let's have all these characters running towards the same goal for once.

Now I kinda wanted it being done with other iconic characters. I almost forgotten the Pillsbury Doughboy also in the commercial. Just imagine cereal mascots and Joe Camel shows up lol. This commercial works better than Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue. My favorite moment in the entire commercial was Chester Cheetah getting things started.

Of course someone had to be thinking this too. You got a lot of character as well as the Green Giant marching towards a house a notable distance. How did no one get hurt? Look I know this was meant to be an family commercial. But you have dogs running with Mr. Clean jumping roof tops. Energizer Bunnies gliding around as well.

It's amazing no one touched any of those bunnies. They would've gotten charged alright lol. The Man Your Man Could Smell Like has a very brief appearance. It's almost like they paid for one second screen time. I'm sure someone going to calculate how briefly he was there. This commercial was rather unexpected indeed.

It almost felt like the Thanksgiving parade. You know with the giant balloon characters marching through town. Except they were the actual characters marching to help an family out. Considering all the stuff they could've been doing. I say that's rather nice of all those characters. I doubt even Instacart has a speed dial option lol.

Just imagine if they had that option. The moment that mom does speed dial. All the characters already at the house before anything else happens. Obviously that would've been too short of a commercial. Especially with this many characters it's already tricky to begin with. This commercial makes Space Jam: A New Legacy seem like a somewhat decent movie, of course it wasn't lol.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run (Abandonware) review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I apologize for the unexpected delay in posts. I am slowly getting things back to normal. I will say what I'm about to review is a rather huge deal for me. Thanks to a website that kept many games you can't get anymore officially alive. I took this opportunity to finish a game I always wanted to finish for a very long time.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run I had this game many years ago on PlayStation 2. At one point I did reach the final level. Roughly half way through the farthest I gotten previously. I went this route because it's very unclear if this Simpsons game ever going to come back. There's an fan HD version of the game. It had a surprisingly huge modding community something I learned recently.

Not only I'm going to review this Simpsons game. I'm also going to do my personal ranking of the Big 3 Simpsons games. If you're an huge Simpsons fan you already know which Simpsons games they are. This is a review I wanted to do for a long time. I figured my wife didn't even notice I fully played this for the first time.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run (2003)

A lot of people viewed this as an GTA clone. Yes you get to explore a few maps as a couple Simpsons characters. You get to do missions including side stuff. There's a lot of vehicles you can drive as well. You also can have the police chasing. I strongly felt it's a vastly different experience from that franchise. Same with most Saints Row series for that matter.

The game is broken up into seven levels. Two of which you replay two members of The Simpsons. There's three maps with a few variations. I recently learned there exists a mod connecting all the maps. Even knowing they're broken up into a few maps. Each map is a rather nice size allowing you to explore em. You get to see a lot of references to the show.

You do a good variety of missions to keep things interesting. Levels 1-6 has Ralph, Milhouse and Nelson doing the regular races. They are replaced by zombies in Level 7. I confess some of these races were challenging to complete. You also can do secret missions that's never the same person. Seven different famous Simpsons characters has these missions you can do.

You also can find seven cards in every level. Destroy twenty camera wasps that will get trickier in later levels. There's also buying outfits as well as vehicles. There's also finding gags then do em all. You have to do so much to do for an 100% completion. Yes all seven levels has their own 100% completion I checked plenty of times.

You can go inside many iconic locations from the show. Such as school, Simpsons' house, Moe's Tavern and a few others. I really gotta say the audio as a whole truly fantastic work. The voice overs are quite rememberable. Just get use to hearing a lot of them especially among failing the missions. I also wanna point out this is the PC version.

I did run into some spots suddenly you gotten sent forward hard. This made a couple missions more difficult. You get to see a surprising amount of Springfield. A lot of your favorite Simpsons characters around town. The cards you find are direct references to the show. I love you can use phone booths to swap out vehicles.

Most missions does allow this but other missions makes you use particular selected vehicles. Also you don't want those to get destroyed because it's failing missions when you do. Every character you play as on foot can jump or kick things. There's some platforming but mostly a driving game. A rather fun driving game at that.

If you collect all the cards you get two major things. Among getting them all for a level is a new track for the racing multiplayer mode. The other prize is a secret cut scene. You go to levels where Comic Book Guy's shop presented. You go inside to claim your ticket. Then you got to drive to the movie theater to talk to an employee.

Among doing so you watch an Itchy & Scratchy cartoon. It's kinda sad they barely show The Itchy & Scratchy show on The Simpsons anymore. There's also seven well hidden vehicles you can drive. You can enter other people's vehicles. It's more of having someone else driving you then you stealing their vehicle.

I did notice a few select things not colored properly. This is rather minor I still wanted to point em out. When you see Snake's icon within missions. His trademark jacket is the wrong color. Everyone knows his jacket is blue. Also Donut Homer's head the wrong color as well. In the game it's the usual Simpsons yellow.

The actual color is more of a light brown. Most outfits are colored correctly though. Look I know some details aren't going to be full accurate to the show. I know someone else likely pointed that out too. The difficulty spikes is a little unbalanced. I still say it's more fair than you expect. Most missions in Level 7 are virtually the same thing.

You drive to the Nuclear Power Plant to pick up nuclear waste. Then you gotta safely drive it to the school's playground. This is where the aliens' spaceship at. You allow vehicles with nuclear waste to get sent up to explode. Most of those had some famous Simpsons characters involved. I'm not trying to cause waves or anything.

They did make each other stand out more than simply do the same thing a few times in a row. Which is technically what you're doing that late into the game. Also it was true to the game's story. The aliens secretly using humans as characters in an intergalactic sitcom show. This is how Buzz Cola got brought into all of this.

You really felt like you're in the show the entire time you're playing. Considering this came out on PS2, Xbox and GameCube the same dates is mind blowing. The PC version came out a few months later. The controls are some of the finest I ever experienced within licensed video games. It's as close to perfection as insanely possible.

The soundtrack with the sound effects are quite amazing. Some missions may come off a little cheap at times. Like the vehicle you're following gets a head start while you're outside the vehicles. Some of these time limits are so strict. When you get the best vehicles a lot of these missions are much easier. You still can easily screw em up.

The actual look of the characters is really solid for it's time. Another surprising feature it has not a lot of people knows. Depending the date your game has a few holiday looks. I also liked you can skip the ending credits. I gotta say the jokes lands incredibly well. Honestly, I am in all honestly deeply impressed with this Simpsons game.

My standards for licensed games as a whole already high. Well the decent ones the not great games is more what you expect. Obviously I don't have high expectations from those. I will say this has to be one of my absolute favorite licensed games I have ever played!!! A game that truly made me quite happy as I'm playing it.

God I miss days of gaming feeling that. The Simpsons: Hit & Run is among the greatest Simpsons things ever made!!! Of course it's not just me saying that. Most of the fan base believes it's the greatest Simpsons game ever as well. In a little while I'll break down my ranking. I will say you really aren't living until you play this!!!

Ranking the Big 3 Simpsons Games

3. The Simpsons Game

I played two versions of this Simpsons game. More familiar with the PSP version. Which I still owned in my physical game copies portion of my gaming collection. The Simpsons Game is a quite a decent Simpsons game. I just wish the full focus was on the show. Also there's some learning curve with playing as two characters in most the levels.

There's no question this looked the most like the show. They did find plenty of ways to spike things up. Like giving The Simpsons family powers. I felt a good amount what it tried to do. Simply done better in licensed LEGO games. A particular song kept playing at the end. It's a great song no disrespect towards that song.

When you keep failing the final boss fight. You start to get a bit tired of it. Plus the song kept going afterwards as well Personally I felt that song was simply overused in the game. It would've been easier to justify the theme song instead playing during these portions. I will give some credit it's a fun licensed game.

2. The Simpsons Arcade

The original Simpsons game that holds up amazingly well. I know a lot of people aren't crazy for beat em ups. But this was a rather fun beat em up game. You play as The Simpsons with the possibility of all four characters on screen at once. This game followed the first TMNT Arcade game. Sure some characters like Smithers was colored wrong.

This also was very early in the show's run. Considering that it was amazing what Konami came up with. The learning curve isn't The Simpsons Game strict. The goal in every level is beat everyone up. There's some crazy boss fights including Mr. Burns. Personally my favorite boss fights are Krusty Balloon and Giant Bowling Ball respectively.

This Simpsons game always meant a lot to me. Still among my favorite licensed beat em up games ever!!! I actually prefer the Japanese version. Which has more weapons to use. But the big reason is simply more Simpsons characters shows up. This may seem like a minor thing. These two changes made the game more awesome than the US version.

1. The Simpsons: Hit & Run

You shouldn't even be remotely surprised what number 1 is. This Simpsons game truly has everything you possibly could ask for. You get to fully explore three maps filled with plenty of surprises. A rather fun process for an full 100% completion. The insane amount of references to the show. Even comparing characters you play as in all three of these Simpsons games.

Homer, Marge, Lisa and Bart respectively. All of them were way more fun here. They are given a lot of voice overs. Both Homer and Bart gets six outfits compared to everyone else's three outfits each. You also get plenty of rememberable vehicles from the show. You get to collect cards that also references the show.

Level 7 is clearly inspired by Treehouse of Horror episodes. All three of them had similar portions that's all done incredibly differently. This was my favorite among those by far. A house with the famous Homer Shinning joke written all over I loved that!!! Controls were absolute perfection with the soundtrack including sound effects very well done.


In all honestly the other two Simpsons games has some stuff over Hit & Run. Sadly quickly pales to what Hit & Run brings to the table. This is exactly how an licensed Simpsons game should be done. You are getting so much in an era before DLCs became a major part of gaming. Right now on GOG, there's over 20,000 votes on their wish list for The Simpsons: Hit & Run.

Currently The Simpsons Game doesn't even have a thousand votes. Well that's how I felt after I fully played The Simpsons: Hit & Run. My comment on it's page currently has 25 votes excluding my own. I would say this game is among my most wanted to date now. It's ridiculous an Simpsons game this damn good isn't available on consoles neither Steam or GOG for that matter.

Words can't properly explain how I felt on that. I'm appreciating people at an Abandonware website keeping lost games including this classic alive. Abandonware is essentially games that's not currently on any services. It's unclear if they ever going to become available again. GOG helped a lot of games escaped this fate. Games like this are on the verge of extinction.

Which would be a huge shame. This Simpsons game is truly impressive in every possible way. A very fun driving game that makes every Simpsons fans feel like they're in heaven. I could easily see this selling well right now. Especially not many Simpsons games came close to it's greatness!!! This game is simply so good you really need to play it before you die.

I could say everything imaginable. But I'm very sure by now the internet said virtually everything else I could've said. This is among the greatest GTA open world inspired games ever!!! I'm aware this could bring the Apu controversiality back up. They could simply make a newer version. Then recast Apu with someone whose Indian while changing some of his racist lines.

I felt doing this would be a step into the right direction. Personally those racist lines shouldn't be in the game. I know it's just an handful of lines Apu says. Then again he barely on the show anymore. His most recent camo was in the intro of Treehouse of Horror 35. Which is quite easy to miss since he's there a few seconds.

Other than that it's already set up well for a newer version. People going to expect "better graphics." I am expecting an easier method to swap stuff on the fly. There's a few locations to swap outfits at. Then again the phone booths aren't too far from each other. I felt swapping out outfits or vehicles from a new system could spike things up.

It does sound a bit ambitious. You should hear some of their ambitious mods. Some of which completely transforms Hit & Run into other cartoon shows like SpongeBob Squarepants. So I felt if modders can pull that off. Then a feature to make it easier to do that quite doable. The Simpsons: Hit & Run is a true timeless classic that can't be properly recreated.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Maize (2016) review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I'm back with another Funny Christmas game. This was a rather unexpected one when I found out about it. This was a weird game that's somehow funny to a degree. I'm here to review a game called Maize. Which is very true to it's name. I am trying to end the introduction because if I say anymore it may take away from the review.

Maize (2016)

You get to explore this farm that has a huge corn field. Very quickly you to start notice things aren't what they seem. You get to run into corn people. Literately corn that's humanoid that can talk. I swear I'm not high or anything it's in the game!!! You get to build a robot bear named Vladdy to help you on the way.

This bear loves calling anything stupid all the time. You will find a lot of written sticky notes. Mostly two characters that had a major role what happened. I will say this is a truly beautiful looking game. There's plenty of jokes especially towards the end. It's mostly a point & click adventure game.

You technically have one enemy in the entire game. There's a notable learning curve. Some key items aren't used how you might be expecting them to. In fact, you mostly held onto an English muffin almost the entire game. I promise you yes there's is an actual reason. You get to explore the corn fields as well as this facility.

If you haven't figure it out by now. This facility is hidden within a corn field. Maybe next time you're about to eat. Just know you bite into another person. There actually is a similar condition that affects humans. Later revealed in the game to transform humans into scarecrows. Just when you thought things couldn't get stranger they do.

You actually are one of these scarecrow the entire time. I loved how the game suddenly reveals it to you. Prior you can't see anything of your character at all. Which made that quite an effective twist. Mostly you are looking for key items. Then figuring out how to use em. Some of which must be used together to get through areas.

A huge hint is don't take this game seriously I mean at all. You are mostly around corn people as well as Vladdy. You should expect to get confuse as well as often lost on the way. I sure was mostly trying to avoid guides online. Some stuff you wouldn't even consider. Like after Vladdy gets ambushed.

I didn't realize a particular coin was literately at the vent I sent him in. You do get to collect a lot of stuff to reveal more of what happened. Some of those so happens to be rocks lol. Late into the game you reveal only two times you can fail at. The first of these was a huge surprise to me. You get to dance an mini game for a couple minutes.

Easily more balanced than a particular boss fight in Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse. Which ended up being my favorite part in the entire game. Usually I'm not a fan of these mini games or rhythm games for that matter. Somehow I ended up having a lot of fun with this. The other part you can fail actually involves that English muffin.

Cornpacabra stolen one of the army drones. He was about to attempt destroying the humans. Your character throws that muffin to finish him off. I was wondering what usage could've been for that muffin. I never expected this was that at all. The ending is a bit over the top as well as mess up. You are given a key to sent the rest of the characters flying towards their new home.

If you were playing attention to the corn people. You already realize this plan was doomed from the start. They had a silo with chains taking a lot of the land with em. Then suddenly all of it blown sky high in the air. You get falling popcorn the entire ending credits. Now I don't know if Fallout series was an inspiration for this or not.

There was a similar event in Fallout: New Vegas. Where you sent ghouls towards their promised land on a rocket. Which also involved you being the one to start that rocket. Parts of the experience does sorta feel like Fallout series. Maize is a game you should play at least once in your life.

You can tell parts of the humor was inspired by Monty Python and X-Files respectively. This game also on PlayStation, Xbox and Steam. I am reviewing the GOG version that has no achievements. Update: I just found out the same team also respectively for Cel Damage HD. Which I do currently own on Xbox.

Suddenly Maize made more sense to me lol. I'm sure you may question your sanity while playing this. Corn is among my favorite vegetables. I like the band Korn as well. I am just saying inevitably I was going to play an corn game. It's way better than most Children of the Corn movies!!!

Maize is surprisingly a little shorter than expected. Roughly a few hours if you know what you're doing. I also need to mention there's a queen for the corn as well. The scarecrow characters reminded me of Birdy from Conker's Bad Fur Day. Just not as rememberable in comparison. You could joke it's Barn Boys chapter the entire game lol.

I am glad I given this game a try. Vladdy kinda grows on you it sucks he dies. Instead of invisible walls to prevent you getting through. They decided to use a couple red boxes lol. Some crazy stuff does happen especially later on. Maize is a game that's a bit out there. It's great if you wanted a game to get you laughing to a degree.