Thursday, September 19, 2024

My lineup for an 3D Castlevania compilation game

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I know I kept talking about Castlevania. Yes I'm still playing Castlevania Dominus Collection. I do have other blogs I'm planning that's not Castlevania theme in the works. None of them are officially written yet. Right now their very concepts are in my head. I just wanna confirm I'm not running out of ideas.

1. Jujutsu Kaisen review (possibly next week)
2. Resident Evil 1-3 on GOG thoughts
3. More Death Battle prediction blogs (not many though)
4. Death Battle rematch choices thoughts
5. AVGN should consider the great handheld Castlevania games

This isn't including what might get added on either. Which would make things around here a bit more exciting. I figured to put more thought into whatever I write. Therefore, you get more me when you're actually reading my blog entries. Maybe another Doom blog possibly on the way too. Sadly it won't be about Doom Eternal, I still don't own that.

Right back on topic, a week ago I made a particular game lineup as a meme on an website. Obviously it's an Castlevania compilation game concept. Now I would be very surprised if they actually planning to make it. Right now majority of the fans including myself aiming towards the 3D Castlevania games. It kinda makes sense, we gotten most of the 2D Castlevania games we wanted.

Now it's time we finally get our hands on the 3D ones. The lineup I personally selected could be the most fun achievement/trophy hunting yet. Even if M2 doesn't return to make it. I'm not even if they handle games on PS2, N64 and Wii respectively. A major reason to be worried if another company ends up making it.

All we can hope for a decent company steps in to do the insane task of putting this Castlevania compilation together. I do plan to fully explain my lineup as well. Honestly, this could be one of the finest to date. Especially with the right company making this. I confess my standards are through the roof from Castlevania Dominus Collection.

Sadly games like Rondo of Blood remake from PSP are exclusive to a particular company. I still felt that's mess up to not include that version with majority of it's previous compilation on PS4. Even if it were possible that's technically 2.5D Castlevania game. This would be a higher demand than leftover Castlevania compilation.

1. Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness

I know some people might quickly jump at where's Castlevania 64? Well you still getting that, a better version. But also new campaigns with new characters as well. Not to mention, it would be nice for more N64 games to get ported. I felt this game could be seen as a gem for many reasons. Either you love or hate it's flaws, you still going to play it.

2. Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

Officially the beginning of the original Castlevania timeline. It's mind blowing this isn't rerelease much. I recalled having this years ago, I never finished it. At the time, I was very new to the franchise. This is one of the more popular 3D Castlevania games. Especially having Koji involved you gotta play it. Simply having this here alone makes it a true Castlevania collection.

3. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness

Believe it or not, Castlevania show adapted parts of this game in later seasons. Technically a sequel to fan favorite Castlevania 3. This is often referred to as an 3D metroidvania Castlevania game. Again Koji is involved makes this a must play. In all honestly, I been hoping for an opportunity to play this. I strongly felt it has to be included in an 3D Castlevania compilation game.

4. Castlevania: Judgment

I know this might seem like an odd choice. I do think majority of the lineup would help get bridged together with this game. Kinda like Harmony of Despair, characters from several eras cross over. This was an Wii exclusive fighting game, I had back in the day. For me, a high light of playing as Death. Not only that, this further adds more replay value to the compilation game as well.

You already got several playthroughs in all these Castlevania games. Obviously all of them are different eras of 3D gaming for the franchise. Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness marked the beginning of that. Possibly Castlevania: Judgment marked the end with Koji's reputation. All of them plays heavily different from each other.

This by itself would be a major reason to play em. Castlevania: Judgment is an fighting game that had one of two guys responsible for Death Note. The other three Castlevania games are so different. I would need hours to fully explain all the differences. Another huge reason to play this is possibly the most fun achievement/trophy hunt ever.

Let's put it this way, I had so much fun achievement hunting Castlevania Advance Collection. In comparison, this quickly blows that away potentially. You also get plenty of fan service as well. This collection would be guarantee hours of entertainment. Yes, emulation alone of this lineup will be rather difficult.

Considering how Castlevania Dominus Collection handled the other DS controls. I felt they can be creative with the Wii controls for Castlevania: Judgment. Hell just imagine VR support, a lot of people wanna play that!!! The right team also gives us plenty of cool stuff. Art work & songs hopefully custom playlist returns.

Castlevania 3D Collection is possibly the last Konami compilation game I'm waiting for. I just don't wanna be in my eighties when it comes out lol. Obviously, this will be the biggest in size Castlevania compilation. I also felt it will quickly make up for taking up so much space. This felt like the perfect lineup for that compilation.

This might be an unpopular opinion. I don't see the point of including both versions of Castlevania 64. Especially when you get much more with the later Legacy of Darkness version. The boss lineup combined will be among the most exciting stuff for this. I felt this could be the most replay Castlevania compilation to date if it happens.

I would be even mind blown I nailed the exact lineup when it does happen too. M2 had a bonus Castlevania game in all their Castlevania compilations. Kid Dracula, Dracula X and two versions of Haunted Castle respectfully. Konami doesn't even to be directly involve to make this work. The right company gets permission to develop, they do the rest that simple.

Castlevania 3D Collection could be truly amazing stuff in the right hands. The insane amount of content alone, I'll pay any price they ask for em no lie. It could be forty to fifty for all I care. I simply want more Castlevania in my life!!! Honestly, this compilation really would open the doors for some amazing opportunities as well.

Just imaging all these Castlevania games in one compilation is possibly too exciting alone. They really could do a lot with this concept. There's a chance we might be waiting longer than Castlevania Dominus Collection. Considering the platforms in question, they got their work cut out for em. I'll be even more direct, a lot of people wants an 2003 TMNT game compilation.

I strongly felt that isn't going to live up to the hype. Especially they already gotten the main TMNT compilation they always wanted. In comparison, I actually do think this lineup lives up to the hype way more. There's more of a rather interesting variety in well everything. We actually see the evolution of 3D Castlevania in one compilation.

I could sit here for hours giving people more reasons to help make this a reality!!! I really believe this could sell amazingly well. If Konami doesn't act like well Konami about it. They simply allow the right team to do the ambitious project their way with as much time needed. We are talking about one of the greatest game compilations in existence.

Why does it need to stay as a recurring thought in your heads? The idea itself is simply too great. A lot of us needs to come together to convince em to make this Castlevania collection. Honestly, how could they lose with such an lineup? Not only that, we getting more games from those platforms too. The more great games pulled from those, the better I say.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ranking Castlevania games

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I confess I'm still playing Castlevania Dominus Collection. Very recently I gotten map completion in the DS Castlevania games. I officially done the process on all seven 2D metroidvania Castlevania games. I figured for fun as well as attempt get it out my system. I got a lot of Castlevania rankings.

No I don't plan to rank every aspect of these games. Which would've been a very lengthy blog entry.

2D Metroidvania Castlevania games
7. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
6. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
5. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
4. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
2. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
1. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

I felt to me, Dawn of Sorrow done just enough to best the two metroidvania games everyone talks about.

Favorite ranking
7. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
6. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
5. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
2. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
1. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

It really came back to small things, Aria of Sorrow was virtually perfection.

Map completion process
7. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
6. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
5. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
2. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
1. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

I know what a surprise, Portrait of Ruin with the insane 1000% map completion. Ended up being the most satisfying map completion among them.

Ranking main characters
7. Shanoa (Order of Ecclesia)
6. Juste (Harmony of Dissonance)
5. Nathan (Circle of the Moon)
4. Jonathan and Charlotte (Portrait of Ruin)
3. Alucard (Symphony of the Night)
2. Soma (Dawn of Sorrow)
1. Soma (Aria of Sorrow)

Soma in either game was mind blowing awesomeness.

Ranking secondary playable characters
7. Richter Mode (Symphony of the Night)
6. Sisters Mode (Portrait of Ruin)
5. Maxim Mode (Harmony of Dissonance)
4. Julius Mode (Aria of Sorrow)
3. Albus Mode (Order of Ecclesia)
2. Julius Mode (Dawn of Sorrow)
1. Richter Mode (Portrait of Ruin)

This came down to hairs, Richter Mode was incredibly fun.

Ranking overall maps
7. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
6. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
5. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
4. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
2. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
1. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Considering Portrait of Ruin had ten maps, all of them were quite enjoyable to play.

Ranking Death boss fights (strictly Death)
7. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
6. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
5. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
4. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
3. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
2. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
1. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

I do enjoy every Death boss fight, Aria of Sorrow still ended up being my favorite.

Ranking Dracula boss fights
4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
2. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
1. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (True Dracula)

True Dracula is essentially a fusion of Dracula and Death. But this final boss fight was so great, I couldn't leave it off.

Ranking final bosses
7. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (Maxim and Dracula's Wraith)
6. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Menace)
5. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Shaft and Dracula)
4. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (Dracula)
3. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Chaos Entity)
2. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Dracula)
1. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (Death and Dracula/True Dracula)

You had to face two of the toughest bosses at once. Then the concept goes further with a fusion of True Dracula making a truly epic finale.

Keep in mind, stuff like this people likely differ in their opinions. You are only see my opinion here. Once again probably for the third time, I highly recommend playing these Castlevania games.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Castlevania Dominus Collection review

On September 8th, I gotten every map completion in Castlevania Dominus Collection. Now I fully done that with all seven 2D metroidvania Castlevania game on one console being Xbox. I never thought in a million years I'll ever do it. I kept knocking off stuff from my gaming bucket list this year. I am really satisfied with this new Castlevania collection.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, my amazing wife bought me Castlevania Dominus Collection. I been waiting since Castlevania Advance Collection to play this. I kept hearing recently how awesome this collection truly was. Not to mention a surprisingly epic shadow drop no one saw coming. Stuff like this, I wish I grew up with the franchise.

This is on Xbox Series X version. I already owned both Castlevania Anniversary Collection and Castlevania Advance Collection.

I figured to review the game in question. This quickly became my number #1 Konami game of the year. yes even more so than Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked. I was so impressed with Castlevania Advance Collection. In fact, I actually gave it Game of the Year. My expectations are going to be insanely high with this.

Castlevania Dominus Collection (2024)
Despite being advertise as a four game collection. It's actually a five game collection since you get two versions of Haunted Castle. The main Castlevania games in this collection are the DS Castlevania games. Unlike the GBA Castlevania games, Koji Igarashi was directly involved with all three games. This automatically makes them better but I still have a lot of respect for em.

Haunted Castle (both versions)

I actually started playing with both versions of Haunted Castle. Let me tell you how mind blowing different those experiences was. The original version of Haunted Castle is another alternate version of Castlevania 1. Three Castlevania collections, we're still getting Castlevania 1 wow right? Anyway, just when you think Castlevania: The Adventure was bad.

Then I sure go news for you, this is much worst!!! Let's get a handful of the positives out the way. I do kinda like some of the artwork. Also the soundtrack is easily the best part of the game. Beyond that, it goes south fast. The sound effects aren't great or remotely rememberable. The controls do take time getting use to.

Just when you think you got em down, try going up or down the stairs!!! I never struggled so much on the stairs in an Castlevania game before. The game is questionable on continues. It's one of those arcade games you think you're getting a lot of continues, you aren't. The game even could end with one death!!! Simon moves slightly faster than reacting to attacking things.

Usually you can easily jump attack enemies. Even on a bridge falling apart but you can't do that. You also can't use your sub weapon because it takes longer than necessary. Thankfully it's not forever but on the last stage, you really don't want that. The bosses are alright at best, the second boss ended up being my favorite.

Thank god there's only six stages!!! Six stages of Hell, where's three more of em. If you get that Nine Circles of Hell reference. I am so glad we get a save state as well as the ability to rewind. Previously in another compilation, Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection. You didn't have rewinds but it had achievements/trophies.

Unfortunately neither version of the game has achievements/trophies. But at the same time, it's still a decent achievement/trophy lineup. Haunted Castle really quickly wore out it's welcome. I would even dare to say the worst version of Castlevania 1 I ever played!!! The best being Super Castlevania IV, no need to compare everyone agrees!!!

Haunted Castle Revisited is a remastered version. I guess we can technically called this a redesigned version of the game. The new team took what essentially was the arcade game, I refuse to call it a classic. Then they made much needed changes that notably made it a million times better!!! In every possible way, this is the true definitive Haunted Castle experience.

After you beat it, there's a stage selection. Sadly neither version gets pictures in the Gallery Section. It previously happened to Castlevania Dracula X in Castlevania Advance Collection, the same team. This is way better than Dracula X as well. Every Castlevania game's soundtrack is included as well. Haunted Castle Revisited notably changed several sections.

It reminds me of MediEvil Remake doing the same thing. The final stage is vastly better as well as more interesting too. The boss fights all been notably improved. It's no surprise I prefer these boss fights!!! Yes that includes Dracula X too. Haunted Castle Revisited was a nice surprise. No one was expecting it even with the now epic shadow drop of this collection.

It is notably extended to a degree. You know kinda like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game. Where the stages pulled from the original TMNT arcade game got extended. People kept comparing this to Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth, which I never played. Which was also developed by M2.

The enemy placements is much more fair. If you fall, don't worry you will respawn with some health taken. I did receive some health items I wasn't sure where to find em in a blind playthrough. When you die, you will resume from where you left off. This alone put it high among the classic style Castlevania games.

The artwork was truly amazing almost mimicking the DS Castlevania games style to a degree. I felt the overall pace was notably nicer. It wasn't like hey hurry up like in the arcade version. I don't know if there's a limit on the continues or it's infinite by default. Both are way nicer than not knowing until you die what happens like in Comix Zone.

Comix Zone is way better than Haunted Castle arcade too. They made the intro more awesome. The insane character art during the ending. This felt like something you never knew you needed. Once you got it, you couldn't be any happier. If you are feeling that with Haunted Castle Revisited. Then good we're on the same page.

DS Castlevania Trilogy

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

A large amount I'm going to talk about heavily applies to all three Castlevania games. I will directly mention stuff that differs em somewhat. They virtually aren't the same at all by any means. They simply have a lot of similarities, well it should being in the same franchise. All three of them are within the main Castlevania canon.

Dawn of Sorrow is a sequel to Aria of Sorrow, a game I love so much!!! Portrait of Ruin is a sequel to Bloodlines, another game I love a lot as well. Order of Ecclesia is kinda an important spin off game. The Belmont clan are in two of these Castlevania games. In their absence, we have Shanoa a magic user that works for a church.

Dawn of Sorrow plays very similar to Aria of Sorrow with you playing as Soma again. You can claim souls that notably helps you out as you're playing the game. You also get a lot of weapons as well. I felt Hammer to me was the best merchant in these DS Castlevania games, I kinda like the guy. You may have to look it up, this actually takes place in Germany.

Correction: the castle actually called With Light's Castle. There's additional areas that connects to the castle. I kinda forgot to mention that originally.

Parts of my family tree originated from there. Portrait of Ruin is a rather interesting Castlevania game. In a few ways continued the story of Castlevania: Bloodlines. At the same time, this is a vastly different game. You play as both Jonathan and Charlotte. Jonathan so happened to be John Morris' son. You come across two ladies that are later revealed to be Eric's daughters.

Speaking of Eric, he's in the game. Sadly he acts more of a sage meaning he's dead. He comes off as a mentor of sorta to Jonathan. There's ten maps to explore with most being inside paintings. Somehow Order of Ecclesia went a little further with more maps concept. Dawn of Sorrow has two maps with the Abyss being my favorite.

Order of Ecclesia, the Belmonts are missing. Sadly there isn't much given to why that is. You actually get to travel to many locations. Something James Rolfe would've loved. Speaking of him, I highly doubt he'll read this. Hey Rolfe you should revisit Best Castlevania topic one more time. Make sure to talk about the GBA and DS Castlevania games!!!

I'm still a little salty over that AVGN episode sorry. I would love for you to try guessing how many maps Order of Ecclesia has? If you guessed twenty one of them then congratulations. Keep in mind for two of these games, the maps do differ notably in size. I kinda liked the idea of traveling around. I just wish it was done slightly better, it's not bad by any means.

Portrait of Ruin, you play as two characters. You can swap between them as well as a few team actions. Which to be honest aren't well executed. Just when you got pushing heavier objects down. The train part late into the game will cause you to freak out!!! You are suppose to push the train with your partner.

The way it's setup, the AI doesn't properly register that action. I figured to quickly press to the left you might need to do it twice with Jonathan. Then quickly swap to Charlotte to hope the train stops before you get forced off the screen. I almost had to consider trying to glitch pass the train. I was somehow able to do it.

Dawn of Sorrow does use the additional DS controls the most. Which every platform recreated to a degree. You have to gain an ability to break ice. You can use the pointer to simply break em was a great idea. The duo in Portrait of Rune is like two game play styles in one. You got Jonathan whose more of a fighter.

Charlotte being more of a defense magic user. Shanoa is also a magic user while mirroring a trait to Soma. She can claim glyphs to get abilities. Virtually being the female Soma, it starts out not great. Very late into it, this game blew my mind how awesome it suddenly gotten. You always got to make room to grind up levels.

You can find better stuff or buy em to get further. In another related Castlevania blog, some stuff I'm not discussing will be in that instead. A little heads up, you're getting two Castlevania blogs today. There's a lot of bosses, a great variety that keeps things interesting for a longer playing period. Dawn of Sorrow adds among defeating most bosses, you got to use seals.

This can be strict but thanks to rewinds & save states it's not much of an issue. If you don't do em correctly, the bosses regains some of their health. It's a little cheap sure but it helps to push you to do better. You also can view the maps through the stats screen for a more clear idea. For example, unless you somehow see the opening on the smaller map already on your screen.

You may need to access the map screen to see where to go. Personally, I done surprisingly well with the smaller map. If Castlevania Advance Collection already more content than Castlevania Anniversary Collection. This is even more content than that. Not only you get Boss Rush Mode in all three games. You also get a few secondary versions of the campaigns too.

Oddly Sisters version in Portrait of Ruin doesn't have an achievement. I kinda see that as disrespect towards Eric maybe that's just me. I can say these are a lot of fun to play as well. Notably better than the second campaigns in the GBA Castlevania games. Julius Mode is way better since they play off of Castlevania 3 concept.

You can swap between three characters with Yoko being the missable character. Sadly, there isn't anything representing Grant at all. It's kinda mind blowing to play as three characters. Richter Mode is way better than Symphony of the Night version. You play as both Richter and Maria, likely pulled from Rondo of Blood.

Albus Mode is in all honestly, one of my favorite Castlevania modes ever!!! It's virtually a faster shooter version. This might come as a huge surprise to some. I strongly preferred this over the main complain. This mode kept blowing my mind with it's awesomeness. I'm glad I finished playing that the end of achievement hunting this game.

Speaking of that, The Creature's sprites were directly pulled from the same game too. This is Portrait of Ruin to clarify. The Creature actually appears in all three DS Castlevania games. Order of Ecclesia has a few variations including Goliath whose the boss one. I got a nick name for this collection. Castlevania: The Frankenstein Collection.

He also appears in both versions of Haunted Castle, I can say that. I'm even happy Medusa returns in Portrait of Ruin as well. Easily my favorite Medusa boss ever!!! Order of Ecclesia sorta combines fighting with magic. You still do magic attacks like normal. But you also use magic to use your weapons too.

This alone was a major reason I struggled so hard in Order of Ecclesia. The game is surprisingly harder than the other two DS Castlevania games. To me, it felt like each one kept getting more ambitious in some way. You could argue Order of Ecclesia might've been a little too ambitious. I can safely say I highly recommend all three of these fantastic Castlevania games.

Yes there's a notable learning curve to a degree. Dracula's castle is presently different in all three games. Obviously it's the biggest in Dawn of Sorrow. My favorite maps in the other two Castlevania games. Burnt Paradise quickly became my favorite. It's a parallel world to Nation of Fools. Both are twisted distorted carnival, destroyed buildings worlds.

Then add in Medusa being the boss we got a rather unique fun time. I can say instantly Skeleton Cave was my favorite in Order of Ecclesia. It's kinda a remind to Cave of Skeletons from Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance. Which also ended up being my favorite section too. Look I always had a thing for skeletons that's never changing.

These DS Castlevania games further pushed everything. I am deeply impressed by their hard work overall. In all honestly, they really knock it out the park with these games!!! Obviously or maybe it's not to some people. Order of Ecclesia was my least favorite of the three. Dawn of Sorrow ended up being my favorite with everything considered.

In the long run, I had the fewest issues than the other two DS Castlevania games. Portrait of Rune was truly amazing stuff, I'm so thankful to finally play it. I would even say to me one of the greatest Castlevania games I ever played. Order of Ecclesia felt a little too strict overall. None of the maps included are boring by any means.

I just felt comparing Order to Ecclesia to the other two DS Castlevania games. It simply fell short of them but still a great Castlevania game. Also making the condition to get the best ending a little too secretive didn't help either. Again more information on that in a related blog. I also can confirm the grinding process works just fine in all three games.

I should point out all three of them has side stuff you can go. Order of Ecclesia's case, it would help better your chances in the long run. We all knew the best three Castlevania games in the collection going to be. I also love removing ominu from Dominus spells DS. A clever title reference trick. You also get a gallery that's done way better than Castlevania Advance Collection.

Now all three DS Castlevania games has their own section. We also have a music section with the option to create your own playlist. They even went further with the presentation than expected. If you wait a little bit before selecting the DS games. It loads up something awesome to watch from them. Instead of that surprisingly cool ending credits animation.

They decided to do prerecord game play of the DS games together on the bottom of the screen. Oh okay I'll take that, rather impress they pulled that off. This is in the credits section for anyone wondering. Achievements wise I explain more in detail in another blog. I still prefer achievement hunting Castlevania Advance Collection the most.

Here's how I view things from Castlevania Anniversary Collection to Castlevania Dominus Collection. Kinda like the overall procession of the GBA Castlevania games. Each newer Castlevania compilation kept getting better. I really felt that's on the money. All were developed by M2 with Konami that made every Castlevania game originally.

Now along with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. The two greatest Konami compilations I ever played in my entire life!!! There isn't much actual negatives I can say about it. I could even gave it a perfect score, it was that damn good!!! It's quite rare when I give a perfect score to games too.

Castlevania Dominus Collection goes beyond your expectations. Then it kept blowing your mind with it's sheer awesomeness. Even with Haunted Castle arcade included. Most of these games are so good you don't even care you got one bad Castlevania game. This is as close to perfection for a compilation game I seen in a long time, a very big recommendations.

My Epic Castlevania Dominus Collection Journey

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, you thought I was done talking Castlevania lol think again!!! I'm still mind blown I fully achievement hunt Castlevania Dominus Collection. Within the calculate time of three days according to TrueAchievements' website. I will explain mostly my main strategy for such an ambitious achievement hunt process.

This achievement hunt was from August 29th to September 4th.

The first few hours I actually played both versions of Haunted Castle. Before I officially started the hunt, which ended up being my toughest to date.

There's no achievements for either version of Haunted Castle. I simply wanted to play em before the main DS Castlevania games.

Thankfully majority of the achievements is simply defeat bosses. You also have three start a game achievements as well as beat three alternative modes. Now those are the easy achievements. A lot of bosses can be quite frustrating. Order of Ecclesia kept the boss lineup straight forward. The other two DS games, it's possible to miss a few bosses.

Also no Nest of Evil in Portrait of Ruin doesn't count towards this. You will be all kind of monsters with Death being the most recurring boss. He's in five difficult boss fights across three games. It's very important to get geared up as well as leveled up. Especially in Order of Ecclesia's case, it's a tough game. For me it took a good while before I could grind up levels the way I wanted to.

To clarify, if we counted both versions of Haunted Castle. Dracula has the most actual boss fights in the game. Which would technically include a what if final boss with Soma.

You got to adapt very quickly or you won't get far. If you can look stuff up, you may need to. There's some curve balls that threw me off during this process. You need to expect hours will go into this achievement hunt. You have several screen options, I prefer most of it being the main screen. On the right side is the other essentials you'll need.

This by itself saves time from going to stats screen to keep checking experience you need. In order to level up, which can get rather tedious at times. You gotta learn the maps to the best of your ability. Dawn of Sorrow is one huge map while the other two DS Castlevania games has several maps. Which does notably differ in size.

My main thought process is keep going even with all the road blocks I faced. I wasn't willing to give up, I did use rewind notably to confess. Sometimes, you gotta find the better gear. Otherwise even being leveled up with not great stuff. Well your chances aren't great well before the ending portions. I do like how straight forward the achievements were.

Although, I kinda prefer the variety within Castlevania Advance Collection myself. You got a ridiculous amount of work ahead. If you dare attempt going for every achievement/trophy in this compilation. Also expect some unfair advantages during the boss fights too. Some might even cause possible rage quitting.

Another factor is because two of them has several maps. You will start to feel over whelm with where to go. At times, you may wanna watch or read a guide to help. Personally, I only looked stuff up when I needed to. This will truly test your determination from start to finish in every sense of the word. The secondary modes excluding Sisters mode in Portrait of Ruin are notably faster versions.

Simply start up a game, it even have to be fully started to get achievements/trophies. These aren't as close as hard as many boss achievements/trophies in the game. There's a great variety within the boss fights too. You should know if you haven't played em or the GBA Castlevania games. There's a lot of bosses with a few optional ones.

The way Order of Ecclesia played out none are missable bosses. Another major factor is you got to know conditions for the best endings. It's all very different across the three DS games. In Dawn of Sorrow, you got to use Mina's Talisman before entering a particular boss room door. Which doesn't have a boss inside to clarify.

This is the easiest of the three to get. In Portrait of Ruin, Charlotte during the sisters boss fight must have Sanctuary spell to save em. Then you play the remaining worlds before the final bosses. I can tell you from experience this is a pain to pull off during the boss fight. We haven't gotten the most frustrating.

This one could be seen as a two part condition for the best ending. The first major condition the game doesn't openly tell you until the bad ending with simply showing trapped villagers that's it. Yes you gotta save the villagers. This is important because if you saved em all or not. By the time you fight Albus determines your ending.

Thankfully if you get the bad endings, you can resume to go for the best endings. Therefore, you don't have to start over to do it all over again thank god for that!!! The second factor is making sure you collected all three Cerberus glyphs. Which gives you entry towards where Dracula is in his castle. One cool ability done differently across all three games is being able to fly really comes in handily.

There is no full map completion achievements, same with Castlevania Advance Collection. There's no need to consider how long you're taking since it has no impact on which ending you get. I do recommend taking as many breaks needed. Personally I marathon the crap out of it until I got em all. I hope this helps people to better their chances at getting every achievement/trophy.