Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tips on How to get Adept Executioner achievement (Dead by Daylight)

Earlier today, I gotten Adept Executioner achievement on Xbox One. It took a few attempts but I got it quickly. Honestly, he is one of my favorite license killers in the game. I absolutely love this guy with an passion. I just hope my tips help you get this particular adept killer achievement. Trust me, some of these will improve your chances.

By now, you should know my basic killer tips that applies to all of them. I will be strictly focusing on this guy. Pyramid Head has two different attacks that survivors can avoid especially at close range. You will be amaze how fast he swings his great knife. He isn't fast for a killer but he greatly makes up for it.

Punishment of the Damned can work from Rites of Judgment. Which means you can focus on one thing or quickly switch to the mid range attack. There are conditions to give you the option of Final Judgment. His second, shorter mori you will need to pay extra attention since moris do take away from adept killer achievements.

Not only that, the same attack can work through pallets. There are parts of the map that will block it. Sadly, none of his perks will help you out much. Forced Penance puts an effect on survivors protecting another from taking hits. Trail of Torment temporary makes your terror radius go away to maybe sneak up on survivors.

Although, it is very unlikely since he does make noise. Deathbound causes a survivor healing another survivor within range to scream. You need to pay attention or you'll likely not find em. Keep in mind, Rites of Judgment doesn't stay forever on the ground. Even the best variations will disappear over time.

I do think using some of his best better add ons that effect stuff he does. Pyramid Head can also use Rites of Judgment to track survivors in close range. The best part is exclusive to this particular killer. He has an alternate method to sacrifice survivors called Cage of Atonement. Although when they die, the game reuses the same death picture as a mori.

Over time, this will have skill checks. Among failing them will cause their death. Now this is a much faster way to sacrificing survivors. There are set spots around the map but they're a great distance between them. It is possible to use Cage of Atonement on multiple survivors. Just not at once, but you can use Punishment of the Damned to down multiple survivors at once.

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