Thursday, November 7, 2019

Jack Red reviews Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I been waiting for a long time to review an vampire game. Well I figured Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi would be a great start. I always had a thing for vampires since my child hood. I figure why not review this game regardless. I actually got a lot to say about it. Keep in mind, I'm slowly taking a closer look at my last year's big horror games purchase.

You play as James Patterson, no not the real life author that would be weird lol. You must save as many people as you can within a strict time limit. It sorta reminds me of Dead Rising series that also uses a time limit while trying to save everyone. I also liked every time you start a new game, the map will be randomized.

A couple select rooms will remain in set locations including those with bosses. Once again, Resident Evil 2 on Nintendo 64 from what I heard has an randomizer mode. I know I'm comparing zombie games to just one vampire game, they're not the same. Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi does reward you from rescuing people.

There's a good variety of creatures that you have to worry about. There's phantom like enemies that only holy weapons can make them vanish. Boss vampires can't be harm by guns. You have to quickly learn the game while taking risks. If you are good enough, you can make it to the end. You also need to stake boss vampires while they're inside their coffins to killing them.

Yeah the actual boss fight isn't much when the real challenge is to quickly find them inside their coffin in a short period of time. I do like you can make texts go away quickly. There are times it could get in the way of fighting enemies. I should mention the AI on those you need to rescue is kinda mixed.

Parts of it are good to where they'll follow you a good distance. But you need to deal with enemies as well as making sure they continue to follow you. This comes off more of a chore than any real fun. Although, I do like the concept of this game. Sure it is technically an unofficial Dracula game I'm not stupid.

You also need to learn the locations to doors for each key. You would be lucky to finish up the east wing within the time limit. You need to get to the main castle section to take on two final bosses. It turns out the conditions for both endings is present here. I do like the artwork of this game but some in game models could've look a little better.

This is a game learning as much as possible will help you get further into the castle. You also need to realize that sometimes enemies can appear without warning. Honestly, they made it fun to go against vampires. Yes this game can be seen as being difficult for a few good reasons. At the same time, it is a lot of fun to try.

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi is a gem among similar horror games that got over looked. I felt they made something that could be replayable. Sure not everyone will see it that way. At least, it's a great take on an vampire game. Usually people think of Castlevania series. I will say this is a game that surprised me a lot.

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